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Dear Friends,

The Federation was created more than a century ago to be responsive to the challenges of our time. Today, we continue to stand together as a powerful testament to the lasting solidarity, strength, and resilience of our community during unpredictable times.

Our responsive action has never been more critical. Through successful collaboration with our partners, the Federation provided aid and comfort to Israeli and Ukrainian refugees and raised crucial funds to address humanitarian needs arising from natural disasters around the world. Upholding Israeli democracy remained a paramount focus, prioritized through on-the-ground partnerships.

By training Jewish professionals in threat awareness and response, the Federation fortified our local community’s resilience against antisemitic threats and violence. Our commitment extended to providing scholarships, offering children, teens, and young adults opportunities to partake in immersive Jewish experiences—from preschools and day schools to overnight camps and meaningful journeys to Israel.

The Federation also underwent an essential and positive transformation—completing a year-long strategic blueprint that put us on the groundbreaking path—establishing our organization as a center for Jewish philanthropy.

Whether through our Annual Campaign, donor-advised grantmaking, legacy gift creation, impact lending, or active participation in giving circles, we are able to address local, national, and international issues. As the single largest funder of Jewish causes in California, everything the Federation does aims to strengthen connections, respond to community needs, and deepen Jewish values today and for future generations.

We hope you’ll take immense pride in our shared accomplishments as you read this annual report.

With our sincerest gratitude,

Mobilizing Assets for Impact

The Federation provided more than $200M in grants and loans this year to 3,000+ organizations across the globe through our donor-advised funds (DAFs), supporting foundations, and Federation-directed grantmaking. This includes nearly $68M to Jewish organizations and programs, making the Federation the single largest funder of Jewish causes in California for the past six years running, and one of the largest community foundations in the state.

Total $ Granted and Loaned: $216.1M

across all fund types

Jewish organizations and programs received $67.7M in grants and loans, including $16.4M in Israel

  1. Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
  2. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Inc.
  3. Jewish Family and Children’s Services
  4. American Friends of the Tel Aviv University Inc.
  5. Congregation Emanu-El

Federation-Directed Grantmaking: $17.6M

Federation-directed grants are funded by a combination of revenue from the annual campaign, designated/emergency fundraising, and restricted and unrestricted endowment funds. Grants support a wide range of Jewish organizations and programs, with a focus on Bay Area organizations helping to foster thriving Jewish communities.


*Includes grants to support Federation’s Jewish Impact Portfolio programs such as Community Security, Diller Teen Fellows, PJ Library.

Grants by Type of Jewish Organization

Jewish Impact Stories

Strengthening Jewish Identity

From preschool through retirement, the Federation funds programs that are transformative, responsive, and inspiring at all life stages, and that empower our community members to pursue their authentic Jewish selves with creativity, joy, and pride. From free Jewish-themed books for families and scholarships for Jewish schools and camps, to funding for Israel travel, we support a variety of ways to meaningfully engage in Jewish culture and explore Jewish values.

college students

celebrated and participated in Jewish life through the Federation’s funding of Northern California Hillels 

young adults

engaged in inspiring, interactive Jewish experiences thanks to the Federation’s Make It Happen Fund

0 +

awarded One Happy Camper grants to attend Jewish summer camp for the first time

$ 0

in scholarships awarded for Jewish day schools, preschools, and camps

youth and young adults
0 +

received support to travel to Israel

0 +

in the Bay Area had a PJ Library subscription

We are thrilled to be able to send our children to Jewish camp. We know how formative that experience can be for building a strong Jewish identity. Thanks for making this possible for our family!

– Parent of One Happy Camper recipient

Lighting a Camp Spark for PJ Library Families

Recognizing the profound impact of Jewish summer camp, PJ Library Bay Area and Camp Newman joined forces to introduce the Sparks program, which provides families with camp-inspired activities and an immersive weekend retreat together. The weekend brought families together in a vibrant camp setting, hosting over 180 people from 40 Bay Area families, and left a lasting impression on everyone involved.

The Connector program has done so much to help our family build a true sense of community and belonging. Prior to the start of the program in my area, I knew a handful of Jewish families. Now, I feel like I rarely meet a Jewish family that I haven’t met before, and when I do, I’m sure to tell them all about the incredible community that we have built here through the generous sponsors of PJ Library! I have met some of my very best friends through the program!

– PJ Library parent

Caring for People

The Federation elevates the quality of life for struggling Jews in the Bay Area and globally by investing in a robust network of Jewish humanitarian and social service agencies. From grants that provide crucial support for low-income college students and the elderly facing food and housing insecurity to programs that end gender-based violence, our funding helps individuals meet basic needs and supports their overall well-being.

0 +

served by Bay Area human services grantees

low income

individuals and families received subsidized mental health therapy


received cash assistance for basic needs


accessed caregiver support services through JFCS agencies


received help and/or training through Shalom Bayit’s programs to end gender-based violence

0 +

received humanitarian aid in 11 former Soviet Union countries through our partner JDC

A Story of Courage, Support, and Resilience

On the many occasions “Ellen” tried to leave a horribly violent relationship, her boyfriend always stalked her, lured or threatened her back, and held her captive. After one of the worst incidents, she secretly called her rabbi for help. The rabbi called Shalom Bayit for guidance, and together they supported Ellen to safety. Shalom Bayit stood by Ellen’s side as she navigated all the difficult next steps: filing a police report and protective order, obtaining medical care for her injuries, and finding safe housing. Shalom Bayit’s counseling and support groups helped Ellen heal from the profound trauma of years of severe abuse. Today, Ellen is thriving in the new life she has created with Shalom Bayit’s support.

Federation’s support is a lifeline for the women we serve at Shalom Bayit, empowering our community’s most vulnerable women and  children to turn their lives around. We couldn’t do it without you!

– Naomi Tucker, Founding Executive Director

Responding to Antisemitism and Crisis

The Federation partners with leading organizations to combat rising antisemitism and mobilize urgent humanitarian relief for those in need during emergencies like war and natural disasters. We also lead the way in keeping the Bay Area Jewish community safe and secure through our Community Security Program by offering security trainings, site assessments, and assistance with state and federal security grant applications.

$ 0

in federal grants secured to improve the safety of 24 Jewish organizations


participated in advocacy and community events hosted by our partner the Jewish Community Relations Council Bay Area

0 +

participated in security trainings

security consultations

conducted for Jewish organizations

$ 0

pounds of humanitarian aid provided to Ukrainians including food, medicine, and diapers

Ukranian seniors

received home care assistance

You helped people recognize the possibility of an incident without getting traumatized. You gave great suggestions for training our greeters and members. The role-playing was fun, yet taught us how to handle various scenarios.

– Staff member of Netivot Shalom

Stepping Up When Emergency Strikes

In times of crisis, spanning conflicts to natural disasters, we swiftly mobilize essential aid through our on-the-ground partners like the American Jewish Distribution Committee (JDC). Serving as a global lifeline for those in distress, we provide vital resources like food and medicine, and offer long-term support such as trauma counseling. By collaborating with local and international partners, we ensure a rapid and effective response. Our collective efforts through Jewish Federations have raised $94M* for Ukraine emergency relief and $1.3M for Turkey and Syria earthquake relief. During times of adversity, together, we make a meaningful impact.

This partnership kept Jews safe and strong, warm and fed, vibrant and resilient… it is a  shared investment for a collective Jewish future.


*Total raised since launch of Fund in 2022

Supporting Israel

The Federation offers comprehensive support throughout Israeli society, ranging from assisting disadvantaged immigrants with essential needs and education to actively building the foundation for Israel's secure and democratic future. By collaborating with visionary leaders, organizations, and philanthropists, the Federation works to foster unity and a shared commitment among diverse communities, promoting a collective vision for a healthy and just society.

children and young adults

including Ethiopian immigrants, Bedouins, and lone soldiers received support to improve their lives through scholarships, employment training, mentorship, and access to education


from leading NGOs, think tanks, and foundations joined together for the U-Theory Conference–the first-of-its-kind, Federation-led convening on systems change and social transformation


took part in our Shared Society efforts, engaging in programs like the Arab-Jewish Center for Equality’s “Gap Year,” where teens from varied backgrounds collaborate on social service projects in the Negev


participated in religious pluralism efforts with Bina and the Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism, with a shared objective to use Jewish learning and practice to foster understanding and cooperation among people with various traditions

Impact Lending in Israel

Israeli society is made up of a multitude of diverse communities, cultures, and nationalities, with parallel but disconnected lives and varying degrees of access to education, employment opportunities, and financial services. Non-Jewish and low-income Israelis in particular lack business and technical knowledge and face barriers to obtaining fair credit, all of which limits their economic potential.

Our impact loans build on the Federation’s long-standing commitment to Israeli organizations working to make the social structure in Israel more equitable and integrated. We prioritize working with organizations that represent all facets of Israeli society and forge relationships based on mutual commitment and ownership of a shared future. Our impact loans in Israel focus on economic inclusion, employment opportunity, and supporting vital small and micro-businesses.

Social Finance Israel & Developers Institute

Alla, a Russian graphic designer, made Aliyah in 2022 and wanted to become a programmer in order to maximize opportunity for employment in Israel. “I have always dreamed about working on projects that, with the help of hi-tech technologies, can better people’s lives.” Now she has that opportunity. Through Social Finance Israel’s unique Career Impact Bond, Olim Hadashim (new immigrants) and members of the Ethiopian community can train as programmers through a 9-month, full-stack boot camp at no cost. This Career Impact Bond is the first of its type in Israel and is an important program that builds economic independence and societal integration for new immigrants. Participants start paying back their tuition only after they start earning and only as long as they are earning enough to afford the repayment. Social Finance Israel’s innovative loan program is designed to increase employment opportunities and promote upward social mobility for new and underrepresented Israeli populations.

Promoting Collective Giving

Through targeted giving opportunities and pooled resources from diverse sources, we are engaging more people in philanthropy. This is facilitated through three unique opportunities for like-minded philanthropists to come together to amplify their impact: giving circles, impact lending, and donor collaboratives.

Justice, Justice We Will Pursue

The Tzedek Fund, a Federation giving circle that emerged from the Racial Justice Task Force (RJTF), is on a collective mission. Together, they aim to empower like-minded community organizations, amplify Jews of Color (JOC) driven philanthropy, and forge innovative pathways for Jewish engagement. The Tzedek Fund’s initial grants supported six Bay Area nonprofits, including Dev/Mission, Canticle Farm, and LUNAR Collective. In alignment with the Federation’s RJTF recommendations, these endeavors underscore our steadfast commitment to advancing racial justice.

This work brings our community together to support important causes and promotes community building, it helps our community become more informed about the issues facing marginalized communities and what we can do to solve them, and with this newfound knowledge it can inspire and motivate others, creating a ripple eect that can make positive changes in repairing the world.

– Denise Dautoff,
Tzedek Fund co-chair

Federation-Directed Grants*

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Federation has directed grants and scholarships to hundreds of Jewish organizations in the Bay Area and Israel to support programs, operations, and tuition assistance.

Alexander Muss High School in Israel
American Friends of the Hebrew University, Inc.
American Friends of Orr Shalom
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc.
Amit La’Derech
Bais Menachem Yeshiva Day School
Bay Area Jewish Healing Center
Be’chol Lashon
Bend The Arc
Berkeley Hillel
Bernard Osher Marin Jewish Community Center
Beth Jacob Congregation of Oakland
B’nai Israel Jewish Center
Brandeis Marin
Camp Livingston
Camp Newman
Camp Ramah in California, Inc.
Camp Ramah in Northern
Camp Tawonga
Chabad Jewish Center of Oakland
Chabad Jewish Center of Petaluma
Chabad Jewish Center of Sonoma County
Chabad of Cole Valley
Chabad of Contra Costa
Chabad of Fremont
Chabad of Greater South Bay
Chabad of Mid Peninsula
Chabad of Noe Valley
Chabad of North Peninsula
Chabad of Novato
Chabad of Solano County
Chabad of the East Bay
Chai Preschool
Congregation Beth Am
Congregation Beth Ami
Congregation Beth El
Congregation Beth Emek
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Jacob
Congregation Beth Sholom
Congregation B’nai Shalom
Congregation Emanu-El
Congregation Kol Shofar
Congregation Netivot Shalom
Congregation Rodef Sholom
Congregation Sherith Israel
Contra Costa Jewish Day School
Contra Costa Midrasha
CTeen Network
Desert Stars
East Bay Holocaust Education Center

East Bay NCSY
Eden Village West
Friends of Israel Scouts, Inc. – Tzofim
Gan Israel Preschool
Gather Inc.
Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
Habonim Dror North America
HaNoar HaOved v’HaLomed – Dror Israel
Happy Shalom School
Hazon, Inc.
Hillel at Davis and Sacramento
Hillel at Stanford
Hillel of Chico
Hillel of Silicon Valley
Hillel of Sonoma County
Inter-Agency Task Force on Israeli Arab Issues
Israel Civic Leadership Association
Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism
J – The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
Jewish Community Center of Sonoma County
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
Jewish Community High School of the Bay
JCRC Bay Area
Jewish Family and Children’s Services
Jewish Family & Community Services – East Bay
Jewish Federations of North America
Jewish LearningWorks
Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California
Jewish Queer Youth
Jewish Vocational Service
Jews of Color Initiative
Jewtina y Co.
Kehillah Jewish High School
Keshet Inc.
Koret Israel Economic Development Funds
Living Together
Ma’ase Center Association
Machaneh Mamosh Inc.
Masa Israel Journey
Matan – Invest in the Community (United Way Israel)
Meira Academy
Michal Sela Forum
Mitzvah Project
Moldaw Residences
National Ramah Commission, Inc.
Negev Institute For Strategies Of Peace And Development (NISPED)
New Israel Fund

Oakland Hebrew Day School
Olim Beyahad
One Million Lobby
Oshman Family Jewish Community Center
Palo Alto Chesed Fund Inc.
PEF Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.
Peninsula Jewish Community Center
Peninsula Temple Sholom
Repair the World, Inc.
Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School
Rothschild Caesarea Foundation
San Francisco Hillel
Santa Cruz Hillel Foundation
Sephardic Mizrahi Q Network
Shalom Bayit
Shalom Institute Camp and Conference Center
Shalom Preschool
Shalom School
Sifriyat Pijama – Keren Grinspoon Ltd
South Peninsula Hebrew Day School
Studio 70
Tebeka – Advocacy for Equality & Justice for Ethiopian-Israelis
Temple Beth Abraham
Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Beth Torah
Temple Isaiah of Contra Costa County
Temple Sinai
The Birthright Israel Foundation
The Brandeis School of San Francisco
The Collective Impact Initiative: The Partnership for a Breakthrough in Arab Employment
The Contemporary Jewish Museum
The Democratic Institute
The Farkas Center for the Study of the Holocaust in Catholic Schools
The First Thousand Days
The Jewish Agency for Israel
The Jewish Home and Senior Living Foundation
The Kitchen
Tikun Movement
Union for Reform Judaism
Urban Adamah
URJ Heller High School
Ye’Adim Latzafon – Migdal Or

*This list is not inclusive of all grantees

Individual & Family Philanthropy: $179.8M Granted

The Federation is grateful to all the individuals and families for their confidence in us as an effective steward and partner in their philanthropy. Grants from Federation’s Donor-Advised Funds and Supporting Foundations supported a variety of issues, from civil rights and education to human services.

Donor-Advised Funds: $91.4M

Top 5 grantees:

1. Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund

2. American Friends of the Tel Aviv University Inc.

3. Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation

4. Congregation Emanu-El

5. Horizons Foundation

Supporting Foundations: $89.4M

Top 5 grantees:

1. University of California San Francisco Foundation

2. Luminate Projects Limited

3. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

4. Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund

5. Earthjustice

Impact Lending: $18.7M loaned

The Federation curates opportunities for our DAFs and Supporting Foundations to loan philanthropic capital to trusted community-based lenders in the U.S. and Israel. These organizations are at the forefront of fostering a stronger, more inclusive economy by lending where traditional financial services fall short.

Impact loans allow low-cost capital to flow to mission-driven financial institutions offering fair and affordable credit to low-income borrowers often not served by mainstream banks.

For each loan, we pool capital from multiple Federation funds to create a meaningful investment. Loan capital is expected to be returned to the funds at the end of the specified term and can then be redeployed for grants or other impact loans. Pooling and recycling philanthropic capital amplifies impact by stretching each dollar to its fullest potential.



Dorothy Saxe and family

A Model for the Importance of Tzedakah

Growing up, Dorothy benefited from parents who were shining examples of keeping a Jewish household, community involvement, and philanthropy. Her family lit Shabbat candles, attended services each week, and celebrated Jewish holidays. Surrounded by the rich traditions of Judaism, she inherently understood the importance of how these practices formed her life-long devotion to giving back.

The values instilled in Dorothy as a child carried into adulthood. Alongside her husband George z”l, she has been a beacon of leadership since moving to Palo Alto in 1959. She is described by her colleagues and friends as an inspirational, visionary, and generous leader and mentor. Dorothy continues to support countless organizations—including the Jewish Home and Senior Living Foundation, the Contemporary Jewish Museum, and Congregation Beth Am—from her Federation donor-advised fund, which she has held since 1980. She contributes her time and resources, sharing her personal connections to help each cause.

My husband George and I established funds for each of our grandchildren when they were teenagers to instill in them a sense of community, responsibility, and philanthropy.

– Dorothy Saxe


Gladys Monroy and Larry Marks

The Art and Science of Giving

After meeting on vacation in Hawaii, Gladys Monroy and Larry Marks bonded over a love of science. As they developed their successful careers—Larry as a prominent Bay Area real estate investor and Gladys as one of the country’s top patent and intellectual property attorneys—their impressive dedication to philanthropy blossomed as well.

Together, they have made a significant Centennial gift to bolster the Federation’s unrestricted endowment. Their dedication ensures that their legacy of giving will continue to benefit our vital work well into the future.

Their philanthropic passions are wide-ranging, from science to the arts. The extensive list of Jewish and broader community nonprofits they support, includes organizations ranging from the San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living, Jewish Family and Children’s Services, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to the San Francisco Symphony, the National Wildlife Federation, and AMFAR.

The couple’s philanthropic reach extends from the Bay Area to Israel and around the world, leaving a significant impact. However, what truly sets their commitment apart is its enduring nature.


A Philanthropic Legacy

At the age of 87, Ted Reich’s life story embodies the essence of Jewish philanthropy—a heartfelt commitment to aiding those in need and nurturing his own community.

With a desire to make a meaningful contribution to the Jewish community, Ted learned he and his wife Valerie could receive income while leaving a lasting legacy. That led him to the creation of a charitable gift annuity (CGA) with the Federation. As he continues to shape his philanthropic vision, Ted is making another gift by establishing a second CGA, a testament to the betterment of the community he cares about. “I like that the Federation supports Jewish organizations and the non-Jewish community in many ways, and that is part of why I chose to set up my CGA there.”

Ted and Valerie Reich
Jeff and Juliette Goldman and family


Recycling Capital for Maximum Impact

The Goldmans are utilizing their DAF to make both grants and loans in the Jewish community and beyond. They have wholeheartedly stepped into the Impact Lending Program with loans to three community lenders. They started with Hebrew Free Loan, which the family saw as a natural extension of their philanthropic support of the Jewish community. Then they expanded their impact lending with loans to the Black Vision Fund and Pacific Community Ventures. These two organizations align with the family’s vision of fostering economic development and empowering marginalized communities through philanthropy.



Donor-Advised Funds …………….. $911.1M

Supporting Foundations …………….. $944.4M

Endowment …………….. $317.7M

Agency Funds …………….. $57.7M

TOTAL ............................................................................................................. $2.23B


We are grateful to the individuals, families, foundations, and Jewish agencies for their support and trust in the Federation as an effective steward and philanthropic partner.

FY23 Annual Campaign

Agency Funds

Endowed Funds

Designated Fundraising









Eileen Ruby
Board Chair

Jim Heeger

Arthur Slepian
Immediate Past President

Dan Cohn

Susan Saal
Vice Chair

Jamie Weinstein
Chair, Endowment Committee

Valli Benesch

Andy Cheng

Barry Cohn

Marc Dollinger

Steven Ganz

David Friedkin

Fred Isaac

Michael Jacobs

Kenny Kahn

Natasha Kehimkar

Moses Libitzky

Guy Miasnik

Jessica Minkoff

Lindsey Newman

Ann Peckenpaugh Becker

Dara Pincas

Laura Rooklin

Michelle Tandowsky

Jerry Yanowitz


Joy Sisisky
Chief Executive Officer

Rebecca Randall
Chief Philanthropy Officer

Nicolas Elsishans
Chief Financial Officer

Tanya Shadoan
Chief Operating Officer

Seth Brysk
Chief Officer of External Affairs and Partnerships


We are grateful to individuals, families, and foundations for their support.

$1,000,000 and more

Jim Joseph Foundation


Gerson z”l and Barbara Bakar*
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund


Jewish Federations of North America Inc.
John and Marcia Goldman Foundation*
Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation
Bernard Osher Jewish Philanthropies Foundation*
Rodan Family Foundation
Mae and Benjamin Swig Philanthropic Fund


Libi Cape*
Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation
Carla and David Crane
Helen Diller Family Foundation
John Freidenrich z”l*
Ron and Barbara Kaufman*
Koum Family Foundation
Libitzky Family Foundation
Newhouse Fund
Barbara Oshman
John and Barbara z”l Osterweis
John Pritzker and Mo Pritzker*
Robin Reiner and Fred Isaac*
Madeleine H. Russell z”l*
Taube Foundation for Jewish Life &  Culture*
Jeffrey and Holly Ullman
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation


David Becker and Ann Peckenpaugh Becker* Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust
Doris Blum z”l*
Feldman Foundation CA
Barney and Rachel Gottstein Charitable Foundation
Cathy and Jim Koshland*
Audrey Lampert
Evelyn H. Lauder Trust
Robert and Francine Lent
Leslie Family Foundation*
Moldaw Family Supporting Foundation*
Catherine and Michael Podell*
Emilie and Alvin Roth
Christine Russell and Mark Schlesinger
Elana and Eli Schuldt
The Shorenstein Family
Leonard Shustek and Donna Dubinsky
Taube Philanthropies
James Wolfe*
Patricia Wolfe z”l*


Jack and Gloria Clumeck
Daniel Cohn and Lynn Brinton
Meyer Chaban Trust
Phyllis and David z”l Cook*
Adele Corvin*
Dana Corvin and Harris Weinberg*
Judi and Joseph Epstein
Rosine and Norman Ferber
Foundation for Jewish Camp
Mimi and Arthur z”l Gauss*
Elaine and Barry Gilbert
Giving Forward Fund
Richard Goodman*
Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
James Heeger and Daryl Messinger*
Hellman Foundation
Michael Jacobs and Ellen Fuerst
Lily Kanter and Marc Sarosi
Kessler Family Foundation in memory of Alice and Leslie Kessler z”l
Janet and George King
Paola and Richard Kulp
Laura and Gary Lauder*
Judy and Leonard Lauder
Lucille Libicki*
Caroline and Brian Lurie*
Louis D. Marks z”l*
Richard Miller and Roberto Konishi
Mount Zion Health Fund
Eleanor and Laurence Myers Foundation*
Persimmon Foundation – Galina and Lev Leytes*
Alison Pincus
Gail and Ronald Rubenstein
Eileen Ruby*
Harry and Carol Saal Family Fund*
Milton & Dorothy Sarnoff
Raymond Foundation
Dorothy Saxe*
Scott Seligman*
Dr. Marvin and Ilene Weinreb z”l*
Melody Howe Weintraub and Jerry Weintraub
Ronald z”l and Anita Wornick*
Diane and Howard Zack*
Victoria and Steven Zatkin


Betty Denenberg Adler*
David Arfin and Maddy Chaleff
Sheryl z”l and Craig Bacharach
Sue and Ronald Bachman*
Eileen and Ralph Battat
Irwin Bear z”l*
Valli Benesch and Bob Tandler*
Lenore and Charles Bleadon*
Myra Block
Nancy and Joseph Blum*
Andrea Brooks
Jacquelyn Cohen
Steven J. Cohen*
Debra and Barry Cohn
Colen Family Foundation
Marc and Marci Dollinger
Dolphin Philanthropic Fund
Shirley and Benjamin Eisler
Bill Falik and Diana Cohen
Claudia Felson
Sherry and Joe Felson
Carolyn Zecca Ferris and Timothy Ferris
Kathy Fields and Garry Rayant
Howard and Carol Fine
Tom Frankel* and Janet Reider
Nanci and Gary Fredkin*
Gerald z”l and Miriam Friedkin Supporting Foundation*
Marianne and Herbert Friedman*
Ira and Leonore Gershwin Designated Philanthropic Fund
Olivia and Carl Goldstone
Alvin Baum Jr. z”l and Robert Holgate
Karen and Jim Holtz
Sonya and Stephen Hurst*
Richard S. Jeweler
Jewish Federation of the East Bay PACE Fund*
Jack Kabak
Fran and Lawrence Kaplan
Iris and Harold Korol
Barry Kramer
Arlene and Steve Krieger
Karen and Robert Kustel
Adele z”l and Don Langendorf*
Norman and Marsha Lee Berkman
Julie and David Levine
Peter z”l and Melanie Maier
Maimonides Fund
Estate of Stanley Mandelstam z”l*
Francine and David Meckler
Judith and Andrew Mendelsohn
Michal and Guy Miasnik
Susan Moldaw and Robert Stallings
Gale Mondry and Bruce Cohen
Jamie and Mark Myers
Richard Nagler and Sheila Sosnow

Jan and Bob Newman*
Susan and Mark Oscherwitz
Eda and Joseph z”l Pell
Karen Kaufman Perlman and Brian Perlman*
Pittsburg Clinic (Dr. Samuel & Etty Bernstein) Fund*
Julia and David Popowitz
Craig Pottruck
Barbara and Joel Renbaum
Carol Seiler Roberts
Betty Rogoff
Susan and Alan Rothenberg*
Rose z”l* and Louis Rosenberg
Debbie and Stuart Rosenberg
Karen and Harry Rosenbluth
Jane and Sterling Ross
Renee and William Rothmann
Nate Saal and Susan Steiner Saal
Ellen and Jerry Saliman*
Maureen and Michael Samson
Joel Sanders and Carol Bieri
Betty and Jack Schafer
Emily and James Scheinman
Lisa and Ken Schmier
Janet Schultz z”l*
Florette Schwartz
Susan and Richard Seiler
Dana and Gary Shapiro*
Joanne Sobel z”l*
Audrey and Robert Sockolov
Marian and Abraham Sofaer
Beverly and Bruce Stamper
Cheryl Zatkin-Steres and George Steres
Cynthia and Philip Strause
Andrea and Lubert Stryer
Mary and Steven Swig
Roselyne Chroman Swig
Mary Ann Tonkin z”l*
Carol and Norman Traeger*
Lois and Mel Tukman
Walter z”l and Dorothy Vogel z”l*
Suzanne Waterman
Jamie and Rory Weinstein
Carol Weitz*
Rhoda and Sheldon z”l Wolfe*
Suzanne D’Arcy and Jerry Yanowitz
Marilyn Yolles Waldman*
William & Sylvia Zale Foundation
Mary and Harold Zlot*


Anonymous (8)
Nancy z”l Adler and Arnold Milstein
David Agger
Judith and Robert Aptekar
Julie and Buddy Arnheim
Myrna and Stuart Aronoff
Ann Bear z”l*
Sandra Sherman Benjamin
Amy and Matthew Berler*
Jessica Bernhardt and Theodore Goldstein
Susan Black
Kimberly and Simon Blattner
Judy Bloom*
Isabel and Peter Blumberg
The Bomze Family
Daphne and Bob Bransten
Ruth Breslar z”l*
Maxine Brownstein
Marian Byer*
Julie and Paul Candau
Jerome H. Cherin and Sylvia Cherin z”l*
Silvia and Brian Cheskes
Melissa and Andrew Cohen
Robbie Cohn
Sandy and Jean Colen
Kay Daniels and Steve Shpall
Elayne and Philip Dauber
Stanley Deck and Lisa Zukovsky
Bernadine and Michael Denenberg
Annette Dobbs z”l*
Daniel Edelman
Albert Eisenstat
Louise and Jacob Epstein
Bonnie and Wesley z”l Fastiff
Julie Fingersh and David Rudnick
Emily and David Fisher
Diane and Charles Frankel
Michael Freedland z”l*
Andi and Rick Frenkel
Sarah Marder-Friedkin and David Friedkin
Jennifer and Abe Friedman
Linda and Dan Friedman
Florine and John Galen
Ilana Gauss
John Gertz and Ofra Daniel
Yvonne and Gary Goddard
Jane Blumberg Goldberg z”l*
Gayle and Stephen Goldman
Dorothy z”l and David Golner*
Shelley and Robert Golomb
Dorothea and Charles Gordon
Sally and Gilbert z”l Gradinger
Nancy and Stephen z”l Grand*
Diane Green
Joanne and Stanford Green
Liz and Joe Greenberg
Joseph Greenstein and Rachel Sheinbein
Richard P. Gross z”l*
Sarah Gutin and Benjamin Chess
Ina Gyemant
Colleen and Robert Haas
Britt and Eli Harari
Joanne Howard
Beth and Joseph Hurwich
Susan and Joel Hyatt
Judi Hyman
Marilyn Jacobs
Helen and Donald Jaffe
Fred Karren z”l
Leslie Karren
Kendra and Thomas Kasten
Jan and Randall Kessler
Hannah and Allen King
Lorna Siepser and Steve Klebe
Carol and Juan Korenbrot
Louis and Dorothy Kovitz Fund of San Francisco Foundation
Joel Kreisberg and Wendy Buffett
Bernis Kretchmar*
Joshua Langenthal and Diane Halberg
Sara Gaviser Leslie and Josh Leslie
Kerri and Mark Lehmann
Fred Levinson
Dena Levy
Marc Levy

Shari Libicki and Andrew Coblentz
Steve and Judy Lipson
Sid and Gerry Lipton
Eva Chernov Lokey z”l*
Fern Lowenberg z”l*
Elaine Lowenthal
Alexander Fromm Lurie
Jeanne and Peter Mandell
Lois and Gary Marcus
Larry Marks and Gladys Monroy*
Cantor Martin and Nancy Feldman
Marlyn G. McClaskey z”l*
Deborah and Laurence Mindel
Susan Smith Morris
Milton Mosk z”l*
David Nasaw
Betty Newman
Meryl and Alfred Norek
Laura and Stephen Olson
Cindy Padnos and Jim Redmond
Ellice and James Papp
Margo Parmacek
Judy Pasquinelli
Anne and Nathan Petrowsky
Betsy Pottruck
Paul Resnick and Joan Karlin
Joshua Reynolds and Sarah Rogers
Mark Riegel
Joyce and Gary Rifkind
Orli and Zack Rinat
Sheri and Paul Robbins*
Gerald Roberts
Laura Rooklin
Susan and John Roos
Barbara C. and Richard M. z”l Rosenberg*
Phyllis Rosenberg
Susan and Robert Rosenberg
Lisa and Mark Rosenthal
Suzanne and Robert Rubenstein
Katharine and Daniel Rubin
Tobi and Mark Rubin
Todd Rubin
Shari and David Safianoff
Jackie and Dan Safier*
John F. Sampson and Sharon L. Litsky
Sheryl Sandberg and Tom Bernthal
David Saxe
Shelley and Loren Saxe
Martin Schenker and Susan Diamond
Jackie Schneider and Robert Rebitzer
Adolph Schuman z”l*
Judith Schutzman*
Jennifer and William Schwartz
Reva and John Segall
Mark Seiler
Jo Ann and Henry Shain
Cynthia and Irving Shapiro
Arna and Hersh Shefrin*
Harmon and Jorun Shragge
Harriet and Harold Silen
Naomi and Jeff Silk
Beryl and Ivor Silver
Wendy and Douglas Sinton
Joy Sisisky and Jonathan Salky
Arthur Slepian and Gerry Llamado
Karla and Neil Smith
Robert and Jackie Smith
Yash Snider
Susie and Rich Sorkin*
Deborah and Michael Sosebee
Joelle Steefel*
Andrea and Claude Stern
Bonnie Strauss
Marilyn Sugar
Michelle and Keith Tandowsky
Preeva and Leonard Tramiel
Lee Trucker and Henni Cohen
Pearl Vapnek
Dorothy and Paul Wachter
Alison and David Wagonfeld
Gina and Dan Waldman
Irene Wapnir and Ralph Greco
Ted Wertheimer
Carol Wolfe
Frank Yellin and Mark Showalter


Anonymous (23)
Irene Zoken Abrams
James Abrams and Nadine
Tamara Abrams
Anat Admati and David Kreps
Julius Aires
Rina Alcalay and S. Osborn Erickson
Daphne Alden
Richard Almond
Geraldine and Paul Alpert
Sylvia Alderman
Steve Alter
Robert Alter
Lage Andersen
Sharman Spector-Angel and Gary Angel
Susan and David Apfelberg
Frances and Gary Aron
Rebecca Arons and Eric Fastiff
Stephen z”l and Merry Astor
Bobbi and Martin Bach
Pamela and Laurence Baer
Sheri and Doug Baer
Anne Bakar and Joseph Zadik
Michael Baker
Linda and Michael Baker
Amy and Seth Barad
Sereen and Herbert Barasch
Michael Barclay and Susan Kayton
Ayesha and Kevin Barenblat
Kathy and Wayne Baron
Robert Barron
Laurence Baskin and Miriam Gochin-Baskin
Lee z”l and Franklin Battat
Allen Baum and Donna White
Estelle Baum and Donald Calvo
Betsy and Randy Baum
Ina and Steven Bauman
Samantha and Alan Bear
Wendy Bear
Tracy and Roger Becker
Barrie Bell
Carol and Leslie Benet
Mitchell Benjamin and Ricky Serbin
Frances and Alan Bennett
Denise and Peter Berger
Jacqueline and Mark Berkman
Deborah and Michael Berkowitz
Edwin z”l and Patricia Berkowitz
Myra z”l and Nathaniel Berkowitz
Jo Ann Berman
Judith and Ed Berne
Harriet and Gerald z”l Berner
Susan and Robrt Bernheim
Diane and Jeffry Bernstein
Tanya and Mark Bernstein
Robin Berry and William Ringer
Britt Binler
Linda and Neal Birnbaum
Emily Blanck and Daniel Weiss
Beverly Blatt and David Filipek
Sandee Blechman and Steven Goldberg
Carol and Roy Blitzer
Earl Blauner and Linda Marks
Lorin Blum z”l
Robert Blum
Marion and Robert Blumberg
Susan Borkin and Gerald Hurwitz
Jonathan Bloch
Aviva and Karl Boedecker
Mitchell Bonner
Brenda and Roger Borovoy
Patty and Steve Bort
Nancy Boughey
Janet Braff
Marilyn Braiger
Leslie Brand
Julie Brandt
Ida Braun
Dolores and Jerome Braun*
Leslie and Michael Braun
Dorothy and Richard z”l Breiner
Claire and Ralph Brindis
Alan Brody and Hilary Blackstone
Marvis and Howard Brodke

Nancy and Alan Brodovsky
James Bronk and Suzanne Becker Bronk
Martin Bronk and Sallie DeGolia
Steve Brown and Alissa Hauser*
Jeffrey Brown and Deborah Sobel
Janet and Micah Broude
David Brown
Lynn Bunim*
Alan Burckin and Carol Olmert
Barbara and Dennis Burger
Rachel and Scott Burger
Jethro R. Busch
Ellen and Jeffrey Byrd
Gary Caine and Lori Feldman
Diane Callman
Richard Caplin
Maddie and Jeffrey Carmel
Marjorie and Richard Carmel
Martin Carnoy and Jean MacDonell
Rachel Charatan
Michael Charlson and Susan Austin
Philip Charney
Barry Chauser
Lawrence Chazen
Andrew Cheng and Abigail Karlin-Resnick
Cherwon Family Fund
John Citron and Felicia Liu
Amanda Cohen and Scott Ridel
Lisa Cohen
Marsha Cohen and Robert Feyer
Skylar and Peter Cohen
Francine and Ronald Cohen
Seymour Cohen
Ellyn and Steven Cohen
Kathleen and Martin Cohn
Edwin Colloff and Edna Avraham
Congregation Emanu-El
Anne Cook and Jeremy Solterbeck
Sally Kaufmann Cowan
Hali Croner and Eugene Palmer
Susan and Michael Dab
Sloan Danenhower and Jacob Samuels
Jordan Daniels
Aaron Danzig
Darsha Davidoff
Mark Davidow
Gwen Davis-Toso
Claire and James Davis
Betsy and Paul Dawes
Laura Denenberg and Hugo Wildmann
Rachelle Diamond
Steven Dinkelspiel
Patricia Dinner
Donna and Stephen Dobrow
Alisa Doctoroff
Jill and Martin Dodd
Herbert Donald and Gloria Herzog
Vivienne and Reuben Donig
Ruth Donig-White and Robert White
Helen and David Dornbusch
Deborah Dorosin
Julie Dorsey and Daniel Leemon
Celia and Leland Douglas
Marlene and Peter Douglas
Michaele and Burton Drayer
Sonia and Peter Dwares
Harvey Edelman
Helene and Lawrence Edelman
Leslie and Ray Edelman
Elizabeth and Norman Edelstein
Joelle and Ralph Edler
Shirley and Julian Ehrlich
Adam Eilath and Lauren Wilner
Gail Eiselman
Jessica and Michael Eisler
Susan and William Epstein
Judith and Philip z”l Erdberg
Donato D’Esopo z”l
Dana and Jarrett Evans
Miriam and Nathaniel Ezray
Jerome Falk
Francine Feder
Susan and John Feder
Carol and Marvin Feinstein
Leslee and Wayne Feinstein*

Lisa and Philip Feldman
Elliott Felson
Mimi and Jeff Felson
Richard Felton and Anezka Felton
Gregg Ficks
Randi Dodick Fields and Robert Fields
Marcia Nadel Fiman and Keith Fiman
Marian and David Finkelstein
Stephanie and Dan Finkelstein
Susan and Paul Finkle
Bruce Fisher and Marlene Litvak
Stewart Florsheim and Judith Rosloff
Susan and David Folkman*
Shirin and Aaron Forkash
Joan and Michael Fox
Cynthia and Andrew Friedman
Dale Friedman and Joan Bradus
Terry and Stephen Friedkin
Susan and Marvin Friedman
Matthew Friedman
Alina and Jason Friend
Jonathan Fuchs
Michael Futterman
Solange and Andre Gabany
Steven Ganz and Judith Tick
Audrey Garfield and Jeremy Roschelle
Lisa and John Geisse
Evan Gelfand
Rita and Kent Gershengorn
Nicholas Gerson
Laurie and Jim Ghielmetti
Patricia Hellman Gibbs and Richard Gibbs*
Susan and Dennis Gildea
Laura and George Gittleman
Barbara and Alan Gladman
Marcia and David Glassel
Florence and William Glatt
Ruth V. Glick
Linda Golan
Janet Goldberg
Phillip Goldberg
Ronnie and Michael Goldfield
Goldie Anna Charitable Trust
David Goldman
Juliette and Jeffrey Goldman
Mark Goldman
Samuel Goldman
Harlee Goldsteen
Jeremy Goldstein
Michael Goldstein and Therese Vandenberg
Susan Goldstein and Andrew Kivel
Daniel Goncher
Tanya and Herbert Goodman
Jeanette and Isaac Goodman
Archie Gottesman
Shirley Gottesman
Jane Gottesman and Geoffrey Biddle
Jennifer and Toby Gottheiner
Reyla Graber
Deborah and Edmund Green
Eleanore and Burton Greenberg
Elizabeth Greenberg and James Papanu
Barbara and Gary Greensweig
Tye Gregory
Susie and Alan Greinetz
Janet and Joseph Grodin
Barry Gross
Judy and Gary Grossman
Robert Grossman and Wendy Ross
Jacqueline and Steven Grossman
Lisa and David Gruber
Sylvia and Simon Guendelman
Marsha and Ralph Guggenheim
Mark Gunther and Anne Krantz
Cheryl and Louis Haas
Virginia and Peter Haas*
Jill Lerner Hallinan
Maurine and Philip Halperin
Sue Hammer
Martin Harband and Gail Friedman
Gail Harden
Rita and Steven Harowitz
Henry Harteveldt
Liza and Jeffrey Hausman
Siva and Richard Heiman

Susan Heller
Frederick Hertz
Elaine Highiet
Marilyn Dobbs Higuera
Diane and Ephraim Hirsch
Raphael Hirsch
Elaine and Herbert Holman
Andrew Hoffman and Janice Brown
Wendy and Stanley Holcenberg
Herb Holman and Leslie Paine
Bethany and James Hornthal
Laurence Hordon
Karen and Allan Horn
Loraine and Mark Horne
Nancy Igdaloff and Monica Levin
Michael Irwin
Roean Iscoff
Jonathan Jacobs and Joy Koletsky
Marsha Jacobs
Deborah and Thomas Jacobsen
Barbara and Carl Jacobson
Marilyn and Jerry Jacobson
Dennis Jaffe and Cynthia Scott
Valerie and Thierry Jahan
Renee and Dennis Jermaine
Brooke and Marc Joseph
Philippa and Eliot Jubelirer
Andrea Julian
Susie Julius
Don Jurow
Rachel Kaber
Philip Kahn and Marilyn Elperin
Barbara and Don Kamler
Marla and Robert Kane
Alan I. Kaplan
Marjory Kaplan and Dan Granoff
Rita Kaplan
Susan Lackritz Kaplan
Maki Kaplinski
Susan Karp
Jennifer Kass
Beth and Martin Katz
Leonard Katz
Helaine and Ronald Katz
William Katz and Beth Kramer
Arlene Kaufman
Nancy and Bruce Kaufman
Sy Kaufman
Sandra and Dennis Kay
Jean Kay
Tobye Kaye
Chen Kelfman
Arthur Keller
Susan and Stephen Kellerman
Phyllis A. Kempner, Ph.D. and David D. Stein, Ph.D.
Eunice and Gerald Kenner
Joan and James Kirsner
Wendy and Howard Kleckner
Michelle and Dennis Kleid
Eva and Richard Klein
Jodi Klein and Michael Darnaud
Michele Klein and Glenn Daniel
Sheryl and Tony Klein
Esther Kletter
Margo and Marnin Kligfeld
Stu Klitsner
Naomi and Martin Klughaupt
Emil Knopf*
Kenneth Kofman
Stuart Kogod and Denise Garone
Neil Koris
Jeff Koseff and Thalia Anagnos
David Kramer
David Kremer and Marla Miller
Ada Kriegman
Noah Krigel
Susan and Mark Kroll
Della-Lisa Kron
Linda and Frank Kurtz*
Lachs Adler Family Donor Advised Fund
Susan and Mark Lachtman
Nathan Ladyzhensky and Victoria Rybka
Michael Lamm
Jack Lapidos
L & R Lawrence Family Foundation

Barbara and Elliot Lefferts
Vivian and Leonard Lehmann
Sora Lei and Donald Newman
Arlene and Paul Leiber
Eva-Lynne and Owen Leibman
Rena Leibovitch
Susan Lempert
Mark Leno
Nancy Lenvin
Eve and Jerome Lerman
Henry Lerner
Marjorie and Philip Lerner
Feralee and Charles Levin
Deborah and Gerald Levine
J. Kyle Levine
G.A. Levinger Fund
Lenore Levinson*
Corinne Levy
Deborah Levy and Jared Polsky
Martin Levy
Leslie and Robert Levy
Sharon and Jay Levy
Shirley Levy
Nancy and Stephen Levy
Daniel Lehmann
Gene Lewin
Lorrin and Sheldon Lewis
Sherwin Lewis
Ronald Lezell
Beverly Licht
Helen and Norman Licht
Shirley Liebhaber
Frieda and Bradford Liebman
Joyce Linker
Sandra Lipkowitz
Wayne Lippman
Harold Lips and Jane Willner
Louise and Michael Lipsey
Linda Lipson
Martin Lipton and Robbin Mashbein
Roger Low
Chris Lowe
Mary Jane and Steven Lowenthal
Claude Lowen
Michael Luckoff
Gregg Lynn and Glenn Risso
Mois Macias
Arlee Maier
Stanley Mainzer and Alison Greenspan
Susan and Jay Mall
Dawn and Sanford Margolin
Karen and Harry Maring
Miriam and William Marlin
Melville Marx, Jr. z”l*
Eve Masonek
Rabbi Jacqueline and Jonathan Mates-Muchin
Cecilia and Allen Mayer
Randall Maycock and Karen Barton-Maycock
Caryn and James McDowell
Marilyn Meier
Barbara J. Meislin / Purple Lady Fund*
Jerome Meislin
Vera and Kenneth Meislin
Fae Klonoff Melmon
David Melnick
Tasia Melvin
Judith Meshorer
Paulette Meyer and David Friedman
Trude Meyer z”l
Harriett and John Michael
Robert Mickel and Marilyn Zimmerman
Denise and Erik Migdail
Jeanne Miller
Susan and Mordecai Miller
Alice and Sheldon Miller
Harvey Miller and Jacqueline Wong Miller
Amy and Dennis Mink
Inna Mink
Susan and Bill Mirbach
Clayton Mitchell
Irene and Stephen Moff
Sandra and David Monasch
Miriam and Richard Morgan
Veronique and Robin Morris
Lawrence Moskowitz and Louise Packard

Peter Moskowitz and Susan Phillips Moskowitz
Mark Moss and Lisa Braver Moss
Ellen and Michael Mundell
Patricia and Dave Munro
Sarah and Izak Mutlu
June and Donald Nadler
Bernard and Gail Nebenzahl
Mark Nelson
Jacqueline and Howard Nemerovski
David Neuman and Adele Dorison
Susan and C. Michael Neuwelt
Eva and Ernest Newbrun
Ellen and David Newman
Carol and Stephen Nimelstein
Daphna and Shamy Noily
Sue and Robert Novasel
Susan Nurock
Rhoda and Stephen Nutik
Adrienne Klein Oliff z”l
Susan and Richard Olshen
Norman Olson
Ray Oretsky
Shari and Donald Ornstein
Adrienne Papp
Jane Parnes
Joyce Pavlovsky*
Bonnie and Donald Pearlman
Anne and Rodney Pearlman
Zack Pearlman
Lisa Douglass Pearlmutter and Steven Pearlmutter
Rachel Perkel and Shawn Becker
Max Perr and Holly Christman
Talia and Edgar Pierluissi
Dara and Oded Pincas
Jing and Joel Piser
Judith Player
Julie Platt
Norman Plotkin
Abigail Pogrebin
Allen Podell and Janet Ghent
Lee and Stuart Pollak
Karen Polivy
Peter Pollat
Denise and Michael Pope
Lisa and Kenneth Prager
David Prince
Lisa Stone Pritzker
Mary and David Rabb
Ariel Rabin and Sarah Buchwalter Rabin
Judith and Harry Radousky
Thomas Raffin
Alexander Rafter
Helen and Jack Rakove
Rebecca Randall and Jeff Musser
Shirley and Robert z”l Raymer*
Sherry and Steven Raffin
Eliel Redstone and Linda Haley
Betty and Harold Redsun
Kathleen Reich and
Kenneth Meyer
Valerie and Theodore Reich*
Sally and Robert Reingold
Barbara and William Rich
Karen Robbins and Max Bernstein
Nancy and Richard Robbins
Benjamin Robinson
Rabbi Yetta and Rabbi Bernie Robinson
Barbara and I. Saul Rockman
Cindy Rogoway and Joe Goldberg
Joel Roos and Laurie Isenberg
Linda and Edward Rosen
Eli and Mae Rosen Foundation
Carolyn and Sanford Rosenberg
Gina and Mark Rosenberg
Erica and Andrew Rosenblatt
Carol and Jerry Rosenblatt
Eliezer Rosengaus and Michelle Frumpkin Rosengaus
Beth z”l and Peter Rosenthal
Rose and Sheldon Rosenthal
Maureen and Paul Roskoph
Jeffrey Ross and Janice Platt
Merry Ross and Patrick Zimski
Sophie and Dane Ross
Stanley Ross
Susan and Charles Rothschild

H. Scott Roy and Sarah Graff
Sara and Gregg Rubenstein
Paula and Harold Rubin
Toby and Robert Rubin
Neil Rudolph and Susan Cluff
Susan and Robert Rushakoff
Marian Sagan
Marlene and Jonathan Sakol
Louise Sampson
Laurel and Sidney Samuels
Stephen Sanders and Linda Rae Paul
Aren Sandersen
Beverly Sarver and James O’Donohue
Mitch Sauberman and London Cammack
Joanne and Steven Saxe
Susan and Mark Schatzberg
Stuart Scheinholtz
Susan and Mark Schickman
Marilyn and Ronald Schilling
Sue Ann Schiff
Schlecker Family Trust
Carol Schneider
Suzanne Schneider and Dov Herbstman
Debra Schoenberg and Karen Fierer
Ivana and Barry Schnur
Linda and Nathan Schultz
Kathleen and Harvey Schochet
Lionel Schour
Albert L. Schultz and Janet A. Schultz Supporting Foundation
Carol Schussler
John R. Schwabacher Family
Eric Schwartz
Linda and Lester Schwartz
Susan and Michael Schwartz
Susan Schwartzwald
Carol and Randolph Selig
Dore Selix-Gabby
Cheryl and Jeffrey Selman
Robyn and Mark Setzen
Daniel Shader and Elisabeth Dutton
Steven Shakin and Madeline Mendelsohn
Robyn and Loren Shalinsky
Peggy and Ronald Shapera
Aliza Shapiro
Irene Kolm Shapiro
James Shapiro
Margery and Norman Shapiro
Sandra J. Shapiro
Yelena Shapiro
William Sheppard and Riki Alcheck
Lisa and Harold Shenson
Renee and Robert Sher
Esther and Barry Sherman
Marianne Shine
Donald Share
Mary Jo and Arthur Shartsis
Kit Shiotani
Carla Shnier
Sheree and John Shoch
Elizabeth and Howard Shwiff*
Bonnie Siegel
Jane and John Siegel
Carolyn and Jeremy Siegel
Dr. Rona Z. Silkiss and Mr. Neil A. Jacobstein
Petra Silton and Michael Listgarten
Heather and Norman Silverman
Benjamin Simon
Susan and Ken Sims
Rabbi Beth and Rabbi Jonathan Singer
Rolly Slatt
Matthew Slepin and Diane Olmstead
Steven Sloan
Deborah Sloss
Joshua Smith and Lael Culiner
Paula Smith
Darci and Steve Smith
Ellen and Paul Snider
Joanne and Arthur Sobel
Susan Snyder and Steven Sockolov
Pauline and David Soffa
Harriet and Mitchell Sollod
Marilynne Solloway
Professor Steven Solomon
Sharon and Steve Solomon
Heather Solway
Hilary and John Somorjai

Cheryl Sorokin
Martin and Goldie Sosnick
Specter Foundation
Betty and Robert Spiegelman
Deborah and Larry Stadtner
Naomi and Robert Stamper
Lynette Stejskal and Russell Cohen
Rabbi Daniel and Dena Stein
Karen and Elliot Stein
Ruth Stein
Mary and Mark Steiner
Harold z”l and Vera Stein
Madeline and Isaac Stein
LeeAnn and Paul Steiner
Russell Steinweg
Jon Stern and Sandra Strauss Stern
Apryl and Raymond Stern
Susan and Maury Stern
Barbara and Charles Stevens*
Cynthia and Bernard Steyer
Margaret and Allan Steyer
Ted Storey and Jaimie Sanford
June and Brian Strunk
Berta and Donald Sugarman
Sunset Heights Association of Responsible People
Beth and Philip Sunshine
Phyllis Sutton
Ann Swidler and Claude Fischer
The Swig Company
Gail and Paul Switzer
Evelyn Szelenyi
Lisa Tabak and Jeffrey Lipsett
Rimma Tabakh
Eleanor Tandowsky
Ilana and Neal Tandowsky
Peter Tardos
Rachel and Edwin Tasch
Donna and Arnold Taub
Brian Taylor
Abigail Teisch
Judith Teitler
Carol and Bob Tessler
Debra Thal
Richard Thalheimer
Paula Tint
Mitchell and Daren Tuchman
Betty Tuckman
Margie and Irvin Ungar
Michael Ungar and Lisa Spiegel
Wendy and Jeremy Verba
Brian Wandell and Joyce Farrell
Loren Pearlman Ward
Wendy and Laurence Washtien
Judith Wasserman
Melvin Wasserman
Barbara and Scott Waxman
Ellen Weber
Nina Weil
Joyce and Norman Weil
Danny Wein
Barbara Weinberg
Rabbi Eric Weiss and Dan Alpert
Paul Weiss and Allison Kent Weiss
Louis Weller
Lisa and Howard Wenger*
Kathryn and David Werdegar
Gerald Westheimer
Judie and Howard Wexler
Sylvia Wildmann
Viviane Wildmann and Daniel Cohen
Jeffrey Wohl and Anne Marie Noonan
Lawrence Wolf
Sue and Richard Wollack
Lise Wollenberg and Adam Zoger
Ariel and Bruce Wooley
Susan Yakubek
Peter Yolles and Jill Einstein
Natalie and Michael Zatkin
Lucille and Norman Zilber
Judith Zimmerman
Miriam and Richard Zimmerman
Mark Zitter and Jessica Nutik Zitter
Gordon Zlot
Connie and Jeff Zlot
Rachel and Aaron Zubaty


Annonymous (60)
Ida and Myles Abbott
Pola Abram
Marcy and Jeffrey Abramowitz
Philip and Joan Abrams
Sharon Abrams
Lori Abramson
Lorne Abramson and Elana Lieberman
Victor and Mary Abrash
Matthew Accurso
Robert Acevedo
JoAnn Adefuin
Brad Adelberg
Pam Adinoff
Hans Adler
Maureen Adler
Todd and Linda Adler
Susan Adler-Bressler and David Bressler
Ofer and Nitza Agam
David Aghassi
Michael Alcalay
Mallary Alcheck
Maury and Beverly Alcheck
Mike Alcheck
Yael and Elie Alcheck
Barry Alexander
Greta Alexander
Marion Alexander
Terry Alexander
William and Barbara Alexander
Eliot Alfi and Kara Wertheimer
Scott Allaway
Carol Allen
Marilyn Allen
Alla Alperin
David Alperin
Elizabeth Alpert
Michael and Kelly Alpert
Gary and Suzanne Alpert
Karen Alter
Eric and Dana Altman
Mira Alvi
AmazonSmile Foundation
Susan Amdur
Adele Amodeo
Phyllis Amon
Barbara Amrofell
Ralph Anavy
Carin Anderson
Dorothy Anderson
Kelly Anderson
Sandra and Dave Anderson
Dan Andrade
Lois and Dan Andreotti
Jose and Lola Antman
Sonia Apfelblum
Ann Apple
Amy Applebaum
Lorri Arazi
Lori and Will Archie
Bernard and Joanne Arfin
Joel Armstrong and Joan Gilbert
Eleanor Aronovsky
Susan Aronovsky
Barbara Aronson
Mindel and Bernard Aronson
David Arrick
Robert Arrick
Jill Aschkenazy
Mark Askanas and Alisa Sosnick
Rachel Aspatore
Naomi Assaraf
Fred Astren
James and Elise Atkins
Jean Atkinson
Orit Atzmon
Harold and Dorothy Auerbach
Sandra Auerback
Barbara and Gerald August
Jeffrey Auman
Janet Austin
Michael Austin
Sheri Austin
Leah Baars and Martin Brounstein
Rachel Bachman
Elaine Bachrach
Sanford and Maureen Backman
Marc and Cheryl Bader
Lynne Baer
Angela Bailey
Diane Bailey
Paul Bailin
Stanley and Sara Bailis
Karin Baird
Jonathan and Cara Baker
Ronnie Balan
Mark Balestra
Marge and David Ballo
The Bamdads
Sudip Banerjee
Debra and Marc Barach
Bella Barany
Marisa Barba
Mark and Marina Barbalat
Susan and Gordon Bardet
Barry and Debby Barkan
David Barkan and Wendy Allyn
Jody and David Barkin
Erez Barnavon
Alan Sankin and Teveia Barnes
Michael Barnett and Judith Bloomberg
Barry Baron and Connie Baron
Tal Bar-Or
Ellen and Albert Barr
Kirsten Barrere
Michael Barricks
Cindy Barry
Ilona Barskaya
Bruce and Jeri Bartfeld
Leo Bartlett
Mark Baruch
Stephen and Merle Baruch
Maria Bass
Melissa and Wayne Batavia
Anne and Brian Bates
Rochelle Batt Kushner and Aaron Kushner
Susan Rosenberg Battat and Michael Battat
Alice Baum
Carl and Paula Baum
Richard and Rickie Ann Baum
Beverly Baumgard
Edward and Sandra Baumgarten
Murray and Sheila Baumgarten
Melissa Baumwald
Jonah Bautista
Lance and Catherine Bayer
Bertrand and Jackie Baylin
Karen Bayuk
Kimberly Bazar
Jen Bear
Laurel Bear
Samantha Bear
Etai and Gali Beck
Elliot Beckelman
Barbara Becker
Kirsten Beckwith
Ella Beebe
Yair and Hani Beja
Anni Bekerman
Ariel Beliak
Pam Bell
Selia Bellanca
Aaron Bellings
Michael Bellings
Gail Belz
Robert Belzer
Selim Bencuya
Erin Ben-David
Oran Bendelstein
Marc Bender and Amy Friedman-Bender
Rhonda Bender
Linda Bendor
John Benesch and Barbara Kraus
Charles and Maria Benet
Sanford and Ann Benett
Jeremy and Jenny Benjamin
Michael and Patricia Bennett
Annette Benoudiz
Gary and Lynn Benton
Devorah Ben-Zeev
Eliana Ben-Zeev
Gail Ben-Zeev
Jeannie Berest
Shneor and Tatyana Berezin
Eugene Berg
Kenneth and Eva Berg
Stan Roodman and Roberta Berg
David and Marcia Berger
Joan and Mitchel Berger
Miles and Piper Berger
Beatrice Bergerman
Leslie Bergholt
Becca Berk
Ian z”l and Margaret Berke
James Berkley
John Berkley
Peter Berkley
Stephen Berkley
Jerry and Carolyn z”l Berkman
Suzanne Berkman
Edward Berkowitz
Dennis and Janice Berkowitz
Robert and Barbara Berkowitz
Marvin and Pat Berkson
Meta Berlaga
Allan and Joanna Berland
Betsy Berman
David and Lauren Berman
Robert Berman
Shirley and Steve Berman
Lawrence and Dotty Bernard
Rhonda Berney and Richard Shipps
Suzan Berns
Alexander Bernstein and Sonia Daccarett
Allan and Susan Bernstein
Allen and Sheri Bernstein
Benjamin and Suk Wah Bernstein
Marilyn and Allan Bernstein
Margery and Myron Bernstein
Philip and Arlene Bernstein
Bob and Lisa Bernstein
Nina Berry
Susan Bertin
Donna Bestock
Beth Chaim Congregation of Contra Costa County
Michael Bettinger and Robert Goldstein
Roger and Eileen Bettman
Mary Bianco
Barbara Bibel
Travis and Margot Biehle
Margo Bigue
Ruth Ann Binder and Matt Rossiter
Elaine Binger
Sharon Birenbaum
Debi and Stuart Birger
Jack Birnbaum
Mira Biswas
Albert and Natalie Bivas
Andrew Blair
Joel and Amy Blatt
Jonathan Blatteis and Bonnie Volk Blatteis
Howard Blecher
Laurie Blitzer
Al and Anne-Marie Bloch
Andrew Block
Michael Harris and Dawn Block
Elsa Block
Joni Block
Lawrence and Joanne Block
Richard and Susan Block
Susan Blockstein
Arlynn and Craig Bloom
Fredi Bloom
Harriet Bloom
Howard Bloom
Jayne Bloom
Jeremy and Roberta Bloom
Laura and Richard Bloomfield
Leon and Judy Bloomfield
Hillary and Pete Blum
Linda S. Blum
Beth Blumberg
Lynn Blumberg
Maggie and Tom Blumberg
David Blumenfeld
Jennifer and Ian Blumenfeld
Neil Blumenthal
Ronna Blumenthal
Sheryl Blumenthal
Ilene Keys and David Bobrowsky
Myrna Bodner
Zack and Ronit Bodner
Sylvia and Seymour z”l Boorstein
David and Carol Booth
Peter and Gale Borden
Alison Borland
Al and Anne Bornstein
Jeffrey Bornstein
Julie Bornstein
Lauren and Greg Boro
Becca Bortnick
Vladimir and Regina Boshernitsan
Jay and Marcee Botelho
Nancy and Howard Bott
Lilly Bottlick
Marilyn Boxer
Eli Cohen and Elizabeth Boyd
Margaret Bradbury
Mae Bragen
Stacy Brand
Allen Brandstein
Barbara Gregoratos and Jeffrey Brandstetter
Mimi and Robert Brasch
Annie Brashem
Sheila and Arthur Braufman
John and Sharon Brauman
Donna Breger Stanton
Dion Bregman and Philippa Lissoos Bregman
Mary and Tom Breiner
Mark and Stephanie Breitbard
Stephen and Paula Breitbart
Jane and Brenner
Lina Brenner
Michele Brenner
Rebecca and Jeff Brenner
Susie Brenner
Randi Brenowitz and Marty Klein
George and Yvette Breslauer
Theodore and Karen Bresler
Michael and Phoebe Bressack
Gloria Brettner
Sandi Bretz
Robin and David Breuner
Alexander and Irene Brezman
Josh Brier and Grace Alexander
Brendan Brinig
Talya Brinkman
Rafael Brinner and Danielle Fox
Suzanne and David z”l Broad
Ruth Brodie
Stanley and Judity Brodsky
Alex and Natalie Brody
Barton Bromley
Eleanor Bronner
Adrienne Bronstein and Andrew Becker
Stuart Bronstein
Robert and Mara Bronstone
Yardena and Irving Brooks
Ellen and Herb Brosbe
Brianna Brostoff
Marlene Brostoff
Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown and Shirley Young
Stephanie Brown
Donald Brown
Joel and Lorraine Brown
Lynn Brown
Mel Brown
Ray and Ann Brown
Robert Brown
Ronald and Rhea Brown
Ruth Brown
Cathy and Thomas Brown
Mary Brownstein
Robert Brownstone
Michael and Carolyn Bruck
Charles and Beth Brummer
Kimberly Brummer
Eden Allswang Bruner and Marc Bruner
David Brunstein
Lisa Buchwalter
Pablo Buki and Daniela Kleiman
Jeffrey Bullock
Les and Nancy Burger
Jacob and Ann Burland
Lisa and James Burque
Matt Bushell
Yonina and Barry Bushell
Susan Cable
Rachel Cadan
Navah Cados
Jerry Cahill
Robert Cahn
Melissa Caldwell
Milton and Kathy Camhi
Lori and Kevin Campbell
Suzy and Jeff Cantor
Mylene and Russell Caplan
Shelly Caplan
Robyn Carmel
Alison Caron
Sade Carroll
Bruce and Susan Carter
Harry and Ellen Carter
Jeffrey Casper
Andrea and Michael Cassidy
Joseph and Marilyn Caston
Rachel Cauteruccio
Stella Cavedon
Howard Chabner and Michele DeSha
Annalyn Chacon
Kathleen Chaiken and Gerald Bernstein
Mark Chaitkin
Ann and Steven Chalmer
Danise Chandler
Edward Chang
Erika Chapman
Irisa Charney-Sirott
Adam Chase
J. Samuel and Jane Chase
Ari Chasnoff and Rebekah Goldstein
Linda Chauncey
Donna Chazen
Martin and Rise Cherin
Rod and Corey Cherkas
Michael Cherkas
Max Cherney
Tessa and Fred Cherniss
PJ Cherrin
Judy Chess
Mildred Chethik
Christina Ching
Deborah Chizever Taback and Bryan Taback
Julie Choey
Noor Chowdhary
George Chuckrow
Tatyana Churakova
Mark and Seema Cicerone
Allison Ciechanover
Isaac Ciechanover
Joseph Ciechanover
Tamar Ciechanover
Benjamin Cintz and Elizabeth Eastman
Harve and Sandy Citrin
Daniel Claassen
Rani Cochran
Chad Coerver
Marlene Coffino
Aiden Cohen
David and Laureen Cohen
Deborah Cohen
Eleanor Cohen
Eric and Catherine Cohen
Jules and Marjorie Cohen
Maria and Sam Cohen
Mark and Judy Cohen
Michael Cohen
Reba Cohen
Roxanne and David Cohen
Roxanne and Jason Cohen
Sabina and Andrew Cohen
Sandra N. Cohen, PhD
Stacy Mason and Tod Cohen
Wendy Cohen
Markus Cohn
Steve Cohn
Isabella Colantonio
Dana Cole
Robert Cole
Susan Cole
Alan and Barbara Coleman
Susan Coliver and Robert Herman
Carolyn Colpitts
Bradley and Judith Colton
Andrew and Suzanne Colvin
Celia Concus
Kristina Conner
Jeanie and Michael Conneran
Loretta Conway
George Cooks
Lauren Cooks Levitan and Paul Levitan
Laurel Cooney
Leon and Anna Cooper
Geoffrey and Marianne Cooper
Martin and Janis Cooper
Mychal and Kirsti Copeland
Lara Corey
David Cornfield and Margo Myers
Doug and Linda Cort
Nicholas Cottrell
Nancy Crowne
Elena and Ted Cruze
Sebastien Csapo
Lawrence and Laraine Cunha
Jan Maisel and Douglas Currens
Nancy Cutler
Richard and Carol Cutler
Elsie Dab
Pam Dagerman
Haim and Pazit Dahan
Shannon Dahl
Zvi and Marjorie z”l Danenberg
Emile z”l and Susie Daniel
Mervyn and Rochelle Danker
Laura D’Anna
Jerry and Joy Danzig
Muriel Dash
Joel Kamisher
Margit David and Boyd Arnold
Leland and Susan David
Alice Davidson
Daniel and Leslie Davidson
Joyce and Mark Davidson
Barbara Davis
Berna Davis
Donne Davis
Joel Davis
Sharon Davis
Rachel de Brier
Judith Dean
Donita Decker
Susan Deets
Jonathan DeGooyer
Ross and Ann DeHovitz
Elinor DeKoven
Les and Leslie Deman
A. Kelny Denebeim and George Calys
Ulric and Glenda Dennis
Beverly Derish
Danielle Meshorer
Cathy and Peter H. Deutsch
Susanne Dewitt
Faybeth Diamond
Larry Diamond
Ned and Adina Diamond
Paul and Deena Diamond
Barclay Lynn and Jonathan Dickstein
Ruth Dickstein
Jeffery Dielle
Gershon Diner
Sue Dinwiddie
Victoria Dobbs
Richard and Elissa Doctoroff
Danielle Dollinger
David Dollinger
Carol and Michael Dollinger
Michelle Dollinger
Peggy Dombeck and Ed Sutter
The Donatellis
Mark Donig
Dorothea Dorenz
Rosemary Dowling
Edward and Shelly Drasin
Orr Drori
Charles Drucker
Sheila Druskin
Joanne and Donald Druyanoff
Edward Dubrovsky
Marsha Dugan
Ilene Dulkin
Rebecca Dupont
Wayne Durlester
Elliot and Carolyn Dushkin
Aaron Dvorin
Aleksandr and Alla Dvorkin
Betty Dvorson
Ellen Dyke
Madelaine Eaton
David and Michelle Ebersman
Jeffrey Ebstein
Judith Edelson
Stephen and Margaret Edelson
Grant and Shannon Edelstone
Diane Ehrlich
Evelina Ehrlich
Steve and Wendy Ehrlich
Gordon Ehrman
Louis Newman and Rabbi Amy Eilberg
Gail Eiliers
Rachel Einstein-Sim
Beth Eiselman
Lisa Eisen
George Eisenberg
Alan and Michelle Eisenbruck
Stuart and Debra Eisendrath
Shelley Eisenman and Elisa Friedlander
Tina and Eric Eisenman
Angela and Eli Eisenpress
Benjamin Eisler
Staci Eisler Cole and Cary Cole
Chuck and Pat Eisner
Dennis and Amanda Eisner
Denise Elbert
Doug and Lori Elefant
Sandra and David Eliaser
Laurence and Janet Elis Milder
Jerome and Linda Elkind
Gary Ellenberg
Joyce and Marvin Ellenberg
Steve Elman
Adelina Elo
Robert and Cynthia Elsberg
Chere and Paul Elsinga
Barry and Rosalie Emanuel
Roger and Jane Emanuel
Elias and Sharon Emergui
Janet Endelman and Marshall Newman
Alan and Rachel Engel
Jerome Engel and Shirley Fischer
Marvin and Sarah Engel
Rachel Engel
Cheryl Enright
George and Janet Epstein
Nadyne Epstein
Stan and Marilyn Epstein
Ravit Erez
Sheri Erickson
Samuel Erlikhman
Lee and Esther Erman
Donald Ermann
Brenda Eskenazi and Eric Lipsitt
Vladimir and Tamara Etalis
Craig Etlin and Leslie Gordon
William Ettelson
Diane Ettelson Lowenstein
Anita Ettinger
Bruce and Vivian Euzent
Polina Eyzerman
Mark Ezersky and Elaine Date
Marilyn Ezrin
Beth Fabiano
Solomon Weingarten and Reva Fabrikant
Marc Fagel and Julie Lubetkin
Sheila and Philip Faillace
Merle and Michael Fajans
Jennifer Falcone
David Falkow
Bebe Fallick
George and Anessa Farber
Stephen and Janice Farber
Jacques Farkas
Ira Fateman and JoBeth Walt
Bruce and Beverly Feder
Patrick Feigelson and Ludmila Davidson
Roger Feigelson and Rebecca Schwartz
Sara Feigelson
Hal and Diana Feiger
David Fein
Elliot Feinberg
Bruce and Madeline Feingold
Vicki Axelrod Feinstein and Matthew Feinstein
Stacy Feld
Sanders and Laureen Feldhorn
Boris and Robin Feldman
Elyse and Charles Feldman
Eileen Feldman
Ron Feldman
Theodore Feldman
Vallery Feldman
Darron Feldstein
Betty Fellows
Joseph and Sarah Felsen
Amy and Gracie Felsenthal
Adam and Leah Felson
Victor Felson
Marsha Felton
Michael and Irina Feltsman
Karen and Rick Fenchel
Arthur and Marilee Fenn
Wendy Fennell
Jeffrey Fenton
Harriett Ferziger
Melissa Fetzer
Andrea Fewster
Jane Field
Ilya and Ilona Filmus
Tanya Reperyash and Alexander Filshtinsky
Doris Fine
Donald and Trude Fineman
Nat Finkel
Matthew Finkelstein
Howard and Susan Finkle
Arlene Finn
Carol and Brian Fischer
Sanford and Sandra Fish
Elizabeth and Glenn Fishback
Linda Fishbaine
Dena and Danny Fishbein
Aileen Fisher
Charles and Leah Fisher
Daniel and Sharon Fisher
Dena and Paul Fisher
Jennifer and Colin Fisher
J. Fisher z”l *
Stephen and Sheila Fisk
Ira Flax
Philip z”l and Toby Flax
Brian and Kristen Fleisher
Raquel Folbaum
Selma and Paul Forkash
Cameron Fort
Jennifer Foster
Bernice Fox and Ed Harman
Stacy and Andrew Fradkin
Cara France
Josef and Roberta Franco
Gary and Debbie Frank
Ilan and Ari Frank
Jonathan and Deborah z”l Frank
Lynne Frank Page and Ron Page
Janice Frankel
Ricki Frankel
Aileen Frankel
George Frankenstein
Toby Frankenstein and Inbal Shmueli
Robert and Diane Frankle
Barbara Franklin
Tybe Franklin
Heidi Frazier
Michael Fredericson and Terri Yamamoto
Debbie Freed
Michele Freed and Gary Sprague
Nanette and Richard Freedland*
Richard Freedman
Rochelle Freedman Hassen and Joel Hassen
Dan and Barbara Freeman
Beth Freeman
Richard and Janice Freeman
Gordon and Susan Freeman
Julie Freestone
Marvin and Marsha Freid
Philip Freilich
Bridget Freisthler
Joan and Thomas Frenkel
Judith Freund and Roy Chestnut
Sarah Friar
Bernard and Carole Fried
Lucy Fried
Sharon Fried
Vicki Friedberg
Roberta Friedeberg
Susan Friedeberg
Ronald and Barbara Friedenthal
Ilana Friedkin and Reed Bennett
Barry and Leslie Friedman
Bruce and Joanne Friedman
Craig Friedman
Ednah Friedman
Greg Friedman
Hal Friedman
Jeanne Friedman
Mark Friedman
Vanessa and Martin Friedman
Rick and Racky Friedman
Robert Friedman
Steven Friedman
Terri Friedman
Yury and Evgenya Fridman
Abe and Suzanne Froman
Leonard and Susan Froomin
James and Janet Frost
Julie Fruhauf
Bruce Furman and Karen Winkleman Furman
Daniel Gabay
Myrna Gabbay
Susan Galel
Kathleen Gallagher
Phyllis Galnick and James Pumphrey
Samuel Pitluck z”l and Riva Gambert
Betty Gandel
Howard and Emily Gannes
Marnie and Bruce Ganong
Thomas and Roberta Garber
Stuart Gardiner
Zachary Garibaldi
Julie and Andrew Garlikov
Yelena Gartsman
Steven and Rachel Gatoff
Mikhail and Goda Gavartin
Lee Gavens
Michael and Susan Gaynon
Dov Neidich and Elaine Gecht
Mark Aaronson and Marjorie Gelb
Laurel Gelber
Shoshana Gelfand
Vera Gelfand
Albert and Susanne Geller
Marina Gelman and Daniel Zilberman
Ilene Genet
Barbara George
Eddie Georgievski
Jonathan and Adele Gershater
Susan Gertman and Daniel Altman
Jory and Lisa Gessow
Charles and Beverly Gherman
Ken Giannotti
Rachel Gibson and Jeremy Weinstein
Aviva Gilbert
Bruce Gilbert
Nicki and Ryan Gilbert
Shira and Donald Gilbert
Lynne Gilmore
Judy and Don Gilson
Joseph Gindi
Mark Ginnebaugh
Rose Marie Ginsburg
Michael Gitt
Richard Gitterman
Laura Giverts
Jodi and Gordon Gladstone
Charles and Bobbi Glaser
Michael and Kathy Glass
Robert and Patricia Glass
Ann and Jay Glasser
Mark and Gail Glasser
Myra Glasser and Richard Keough
Andria Glassman
A. N. and E. R. Glazer
Irma Glazer
Cliff Gleicher
Adam and Stacy Glick
Reuven Glick
Richard and Marilyn Glickman
Anastasia Glikshtern
Sharon Gloster
Joan and John Goble
Ashley Gold
Frank z”l and Frederica Gold
Pete Gold
Ronald and Eileen Gold
Carley Goldberg
Carol Goldberg
Jerry and Gloria Goldberg
Kirk Goldberg
Roger and Gerda Goldberg
Sharon Goldberg
Stanley Goldberg and Marcia Luperini
Steven Goldberg
Vivian Goldberg
Adel Goldenberg
Enrique and Jovita Goldenberg
Lina Goldfarb
Ira and Patricia Goldfine
Eytan Goldhaber-Fiebert
David Goldin
David Goldman and Angela Lin
Laurel Goldman
Michael and Judy Goldman
Stan Goldring
Rebecca Goldsmith Freedman
Barbara Goldstein
Dan and Sandra Goldstein
Diana Goldstein
Annie Goldstein-Factor
Marjorie and Stuart Goldware
Richard Kruger and Lisanne Gollub
Sergio and Zelia Golombek
Elaine Goltz
Rona Gomel Ashe
Michelle Gonzalez
Karen Goodfriend
Andy Goodman
Gail Goodman
Jaci Goodman
Howard and Lana Goodman
Myrna Goodman z”l
Shira Goodman
Elaine Goodstein
Lisa Gooze
Audrey Gordon
Barbara Gordon and Peter Kane
David Gordon and Lucia Heldt
Karen Gordon
Marjorie Gordon
Norman Gordon
Bob Gordon and Juan Patino
Lawrence z”l and Robin Gordon
Terence Gordon
Paula and Simon Goren
Carol Gorenberg
Igor Gorin
Naomi Mitchell and Eddie Gornish
Markus Gosch
Oren Gotesman
Zachary Gottesman
Harold Mann and Nancy Gottesman Mann
Jennifer Gottlieb and Matan Shetrit
Werner Gottlieb
Karen Gould
Lee Gould
Dove and Zviki Govrin
Julie Grabscheid
Gavin Graham
Preston and Anya Grant
Avrum Gratch
Allison Green
Ann and Jason Green
Charles Green and Sheri Cohen
Daniel and Andrea Green
David Green
Edward and Barbara Green
Jan and Jon Green
Mark Green
Maurice and Gisele z”l Green
Sorrelle Green
Vincenza Green
Barbara and Arthur Greenberg
Deborah Greenberg
Faith and Dan Greenberg
Jonathan and Natsuko Greenberg
Seth and Lauren Greenberg
Jeffrey Rhine Greendorfer and Family
Fredrica Greene
Nicole Greene
Michele and Michael Greenfield
Audra and Andrew Greenspan
Hedwa Greenspan
Joanne and William Greenspan
Morey and Eleanor Greenstein
Brad and Rachel Greenwald
George and Marjory Greenwald
Judith and Ralph Greif
Anne Grenn Saldinger and Erez Saldinger
Alfred Gross
David and Elinor Gross
Kevin and Lisa Gross
Linda Gross
Barbara Gross Davis
Mary Lou Grossberg
Arleigh Grossman
Beth Grossman
Daniel Grossman and Linda Gerard
Lauren Janov and Mark Grossman
Pamela Grossman
Steve Grossman
Semyon Grozman
Howard and Alice Gruber
Aaron and Ida Gruber
Guenter Gruschka
Ralph and Myra Gruschka
Bina Guerrieri
Catherine Guglielmi
Roberta Guise
Anna Gukasian
Grace Guo
Marta Gurevich
Evelyn Gurevitch
Tina and Leon Gurevitch
Vlad Gurfinkel and Irina Yampolskaya
Marianna Gurovich
Jack Gurtner
Offir Gutelzon
Bernard and Carol Gutow
Marcia Guzy
Joshua Zerkel and Kenneth Gwynn
Diane Gyuricza
Janet Haas z”l
Mary Haas
Yitzchok Ben David Peter
Sharon Haas
Ruth Haber
Jacob Haimson
Anna Hall
Stephen Hall
Allyson Halpern
Susan Hamlin
Gary and Xenia Hammer
Rebecca Handler
Harold Hanerfeld
Lipp Hani
Phil and Dina Hankin
Tracey Hannelly
Katherine and Newton Harband
Vida and Jeff Harband
Ann Harris
Gerald and Gail Harris
James Harris and Lisa Friedman
Jenna Harris
Jerrol z”l and Judith Harris
Louis and Linda Harris
Michael and Barbara Harris
Ruthellen Harris
Vicki Harrison
Barry and Marcia Hart
Mikhael Hart
AJ Harter
Ellen and Dan Hartford
Sharon and Scott Hartley
Harvey M. Rose Associates, LLP
JoRemy Hathaway
Ellen and Allan Hauskens
Kelly Hawkins
Cyrus Hayden
Zerlina Hayes
Marc and Peggy Hayman
Rachelle Heartte
Rebecca Hecht
Robert Hecht
Patti Heck and Patricia Kaufman
Nancy Hedley
Jeffrey and Lisa Heffan
Paul and Judith Heim
Otto and Grete Heinz
William Heinz
Sanford and Lois Heisler
Phyllis Helfand
David Heller and Betsy Eckstein
Blake Kutner and Meredith Heller
Nelson Heller
Lawrence and Julie Henig
Bonnie and Robert Hepps
Robert and Irene Hepps
Dennis Herman
Vanessa Herman
Wayne Herman
Matthew Hernandez
Norman Hersch
Frances Herts
Dorit Hertz
Elizabeth Hertz
Howard Hertz
Libby Hertz
Saralie Pennington and Thomas Herz
Barbara Herzig and Daniel Brady
Kelli Herzog
Stanley Herzstein and Lynn Altshuler
Midge Heumann
Steven Hibshman
Lisa Hickey
Therese Hickey
Bruce and Justine Highman
Kimberly Hill
John and Leta Hillman
Elaine Hilp
Mark z”l and Nancy Himelstein
David and Meryl Himmelman
Marilyn Hipschman
Manny Hirschel z”l
Linda Hirschhorn
Ellen Cohen
Lorie and Ronald Hirson
David Hmelnitsky
Cena Hoban
David and Judith Hoexter
Daniel Hoffman and Catherine Pieck
Howard and Randy Hoffman
Elizabeth Hogan
Gavriel Hollander
Helyse Hollander
Natalie Holles
David Holzman
Susan Hootkins
Stacey and Kenneth Horowitz
Steven Horowitz and Rachel Koretsky
Steven G. Horowitz
Tali Horowitz
James Horton and Erika Opper
Jackie and Bruce Horwitz
Lois Horwitz
Scott and Missy Horwitz
Julie House and Stan Lekach
Weichen Huang
Helen Hubert
Estie and Mark Hudes
Phoebe Hulen
Bronwyn Hunt
Maddie Hunter
Leslie and Alexander Hurwitz
Carolyn and Rick Hutchinson
Art Hyams
Jamie and Michael Hyams
Elsbeth Iannone
Jo and Jeffrey Ilfeld
Jack and Alice Illouz
Flaurie Imberman
David Brown and Arlene Immerman
Patricia Inglis
Robert and Riki Intner
William Irvin
Dov and Madelyn Isaacs
Glenn and Gabby Isaacson
Joel Isaacson
Susan Iscol
David and Evelyn Israel
Craig Issod
Zehava and Reuven Itelman
Harold and Gilda Itskovitz
Dana and Marty Izenson
Gavriel Jabbour
Anita Jackson
Earl Jacob
Chelsea Jacobs
Joshua Jacobs
Peter Jacobs and Karen Pliskin
Ronit and Daniel Jacobs
Scott Jacobs
Jane Jacobson
Jo-Ann and Arnold Jacobson
Ralph and Judith Jacobson
Neil Jacobson
Andrea Jacoby and Robert Brody
David Jadeson
Ruth Jaffe
Shaila Jaffe
Elisa Jagerson
Sara James
Lorette Janczura
Catherine and Richard Janigian
Michael and Sharon Jarrett
Martin and Cookie z”l Javinsky
Martin Jay and Catherine Gallagher
Christine and Eric Jeck
Elizabeth Jeffords
Elizabeth Jick
David and Melinda Joffe
Teresa Johnk
Richard and Eleanor z”l Johns
Ava Johnson
Carmel Johnson
Norman and Barbara Johnson
The Johnsons
Irene Jones
Ruth and Benson Joseph
Sharon Joseph
Sarah Judas
Melita Jung
Lee Kabat
Scott and Jennifer Kabat
Chris Kagan
Vadim Kaganskiy
Mitchell Richman
Erin and Jonathan Kahn
Kenneth Kahn and Alexandrea Creer Kahn
Laurie Kahn
Melvin and Madeline Kahn
Michael Kahn
Robert and Lynn Kahn
Lawrence Werboff and Caroline Kahn Werboff
Judy Kaine
Holly Kaiser and Vasco Morais
Melvyn Kalb
Bonnie and Fred Kalbrosky
Lorin Kalisky
Carolyn Kaller
Lisa and Alon Kama
Adolph Kamil
Theodore Kamins
Michael Kamler and Patricia Shiu
Marilyn and Richard Kandel
Baris Kandemir
Stephanie Kane
Fred Kanter
Steven Tulkin z”l and Sydney Kapchan
Adena and Seth Kaplan
Daniel and Rosemary Kaplan
Edward Kaplan and Donna Luporini Kaplan
Jane Kaplan
Jerrold and Carolyn Kaplan
Jonathan Kaplan
Michael and Dolores Kaplan
Rachel Kaplan
Rhoda Kaplan
Stacy Kaplan
Vladimir and Tamara Kaplan
Tracy and Jonathan Kaplan
Shaan Kapoor
Joan Kapplow
Leslie Kardos
Barry and Susan Karl
Lisa Karpanty
Leon and Renee Kaseff
David Kaskowitz and Susan Kahn
Luke Kastelic
Alan Kates
Semyon Kats
Lev and Berta Katsnelson
Barbara Katz and Raymond Spencer
Bruce Katz
Carole Katz
Doni Katz and Stephanie Shelan Katz
Estelle Katz
Gerald and Jill Katz
Harvey and Mary Katz
Jeffrey and Michele Katz
Erica Fono and Morris Katz
Nina Katz
Robert Katz
Stan Katz
Sybille Katz
Taly and Yaron Katz
Maya Katz-Ali
Robert and Arlene Katzive
Bernard Katzmann
Doris Katznelson
Amy and Caitlin Kaufman
Gene and Susan Kaufman
Harold and Jeanne Kaufman
Jeffrey and June Kaufman
Michael Kaufman
Joelle Gropper Kaufman and Neal Kaufman
Aleksandr Kaushanskiy and Tatjana Posohina
Israel Kayatsky
Brian and Fran Kaye
Douglas and Cynthia Kaye
Todd and Julie Kaye
Genia Kazenitsky
Lisa Kearns
Natasha Kehimkar and Derek Lau
Oren Slozberg and Irwin Keller
Karen and Robert Keller
Michael Kelly
Samantha Kelly
Stephanie Kelmar and Raphael Reich
Katy Kemeny
Nicole Kemeny
Raymond Kende
Will Kenigsberg
Karen and Wayne Kennan
Patrick and Julie Kennedy
Robin Kennedy
Fern and Lowell z”l Kepke
Arlan and Carolyn Kertz
Rachel and Loren Kertz
Michael and Rachel Kesselman
Leonid Khamishon
David and Yudif Kharakh
Mark and Raisa Khavinson
Leonid Khidekel
Hillary and David Kilimnik
George and Flo Kimmerling
Hillary Kindman
Boris Kinevsky
Stephanie Kipperman
Ethel Kirschner
Beverly Kivel
Robert and Deena Klaber
Michelle Klafter
Lawrence and Shirley Klapow
Borg Klein
Gerald and Meredith Klein
Irvin and Vivian Klein
Jonathan Klein
Lindsay and Josh Klein
Marc and Sandra Klein
Stanley Klein
John and Susan Klein
Debra and Darren Kleinberg
Benita Kline
Leslie Klor
Beth Klugman
Michael Klugman
David and Hanna Knopping
Naphtali and Marian Knox
Elaine Kofman
Stephen and Marlene Kofman
Deborah Kohn
Jean Kohn
Michael Kohn
Betty Miller Kolotkin and Marvin Kolotkin
Elena Komsky
Stephen and Sharon Koons
Emanuel and Cary Kopstein
Anatoly and Larisa Kopylovsky
Lorrin and Stephanie Koran
Michael and Stefanie Koran
Edna Koren and Adam Smyla
Ronit Koren
Sorana Koren
Siobhan O. Korman
Avram Kornberg
Steve Kornetsky and Randy Sue Pollack
Dana Kornfeld
Nancy Kornfield
Nadine Koss
Randy Koss
Richard and Diane Koss
Neil and Peggy Kostick
Devora Kothari
Bradley Kovacevich
Carla Kozak
Robin Kraemer
Benjamin Kram
Renee Kramer
William and Anita Kramer
Neil Kran and Meryl Schneider
Norman Krasner and Marilyn David-Krasner
Terry Kraus
Aaron Krause
Joseph and Caroline Krauskopf
Marla Kravatz
Lillian Kreisle

Robert Krensky
George and Doris Krevsky
Cynthia Krieger and Stuart Friedman
Marilyn Krieger
Mark Kritz
Irene Krohn
Robert Krohn
Lori and Robert Krolik
Hale Kronenberg
Melvyn and Karen Kronick
Ian Krumwiede
Amy Kuan
Jenny Kuan
Lisa Kuan
Neil and Kathleen Kugelmas
Joseph and Ryuko Kulakofsky
Ken Kumayama
David Kupferman
Fred and Deborah Kurland
Ira Kurlander
Jeff and Lynn Kurn
Caryl and Kenneth Kurtzman
Bernice Kurtzner
Ellen and Frank Kushin
Michelle and Harold Kushins
Carole and Alan Kushnir
Justin Kutcher
Lauren Kutcher
Leslie Kutcher
Dave Kwinter
Shirley La Mere
Betty and Robert z”l La Vine
Irwin and Ruth Lachman
Russell and Linda Lait
Nyami Lal
Genrykh Landa
Doreen and Jonathan Landes
Edward and Miriam Landesman
Carol Langbort
David and Mara Langer
Ira and Luanne Lansing
Bernard LaPedis
Thomas and Barbara Lasinski
Jean and Richard Laskar
Emanuel Lateiner
Ron and Lynn Laupheimer
Adele Laurence
Sam and Stephanie Lauter
Martha Lavin and Marc Solomon
Richard and Randy Lavinghouse
Noah Lawrence
Randee Lawrence
Robin Lawrence
David and Judith Layne
Cheryl Lazar and Bill McKenzie
Marcia Lazer
Melissa Lazo
Barbara and Arthur Leaffer
Jennell Leblanc
Alison Lebovitz
Jerry Lebovitz and Sharon Zimmerman
Kenneth and Barbara Lebovitz
Charlene Lebowitz
Amy Leder
Marcos and Ilene Lederman
Melissa and Jae Lee
Nancy Lee
Steven Lee and Alyson Geller
Irene Lefton
Rayna Lehman and Bill Nack
Marvin Lehrman and Paisha Rochlin-Lehrman
Rachel Leibman
Bruce Leicher
Tamara and Abe Leider
Frank Leidman and Carol Zimmerman Leidman
Benjamin and Sherry Leikach
Debora Leite
Naomi and Robert Leonard
Julius and Sybil Lepkowsky
Marcia and Elliot Lepler
Leora Lerer
Heidi Lerner
Seth and Sharon Leslie
Susan Lessin
Robert and Sally Leuten
Abraham and Alice Lev
Linor and Jonathan Levav
Martha Leviant
Bruce Levin
Eileen Levin
Eleanor Levin and Neil Gesundheit
Evelyn Levin z”l
Jack and Sharon Levin
Jaimie Levin and Jane Wise
Joseph Levin
Nancy Levin
Ruby Levin z”l
Amy and Joel Levine
Andrew and Emme Levine
Barry and Ellen Levine
David LeVine and Lisa Mark
Emily Levine
Harry LeVine
Marc and Wendy Levine
Jon and Diane Levinson
Warren and Barbara Levinson
William and Judy Levinson
Joan Levison
Marta Levison
Thomas and Diane Levison
Walter Levison
Jacqueline Levitan
Jonathan Levitan
Daniel and Amanda Levitt
Douglas and Lori Levitt
Harry Levitt
Angelina Levy
David and Solange Levy
David and Nell Levy
Doug Levy
Gabriel Levy
Ginger Levy and Christopher Howard
James and Marcia Levy
Joseph Levy
Richard Levy
Seth and Kelly Levy
Sharon Levy
Elisa Lewak
Jessica Lewin
Julie and Ari Lewis
Steven and Judy Lewis
Susan Lewis and Dave Silacci
Eugene and Judy Lewit
Lev Leybov, in memory of Elly Leybov
Stephen and Vibeke Libby
Irena and Pablo Libedinsky
Arthur and Annie Liberman
Martin and Elinor Liberman
Fortunee Lichaa
Marie Licht
Shiri Lichtenstein
Andrea Lichter
Sheila Lichtman
Debra Licolli
Harry Lieberman and Barbara Thomas-Lieberman
Michael and Marlene Lieberman
Dale Liebes
Jack and Alexandra Liebster
Rebecca and Christopher Lien
Rebecca Lifton
Camelot Lindauer
Ben Linder
Emma Lindsay
Vicki and Michael Link
Annette Lipkin
Janna Lipman Weiss and Josh Weiss
Joshua and Mary Lipp
Marc Lipsett
Stanley and Nancy z”l Lipsitz
Samara Lipsky
Josh Lipson
Sherry and Brian Lipson
Ron Lissak
Jack Lissauer
James and Ellen Liston
Barbara Litt
Maxine Litwak
Ruth Litwin
Lenore Livingston
Evgeny Livshits
Benjamin and Julie Lloyd
Mackenzie Lloyd
Howard and Janet Lockshin
Daniel Loeb
Evan Loevner – Aviva In-Home Care
Shelley London
Gerald and MJ Lopatin
Michele Lopez
Rachel Loving
Linda Lowney
Edward Luby and Pamela Derish
Gail Ludwig and Clarissa Kripke
Helen and Leon Luey
Barbara Lustig
Norman and Elise Lustig
Dave Lutes
Stanley Ma
Ava Mack
Karen MacKenzie
Jayne Mackta
Denni Mador
Terry Magnin
Michael and April Maiten
Mir Majumdar
Audrey Majzun
Rita Malkin
Martin and Ruth Malkin
Elizabeth Mamorsky and Melburn Knox
Betsy and Mark Mandel
Elise Manders
Alison Manel
Alex and Lisa Mann
Marlene Mann
Adrienne and Don z”l Mannis
Ronnie Mannos
Juliana Manoliu
Lisa Mansfield
Aziza and Leo Mara
Alec Marasa
Isac and Eileen Marchasin
Evelyn Marcus
Greil and Jenelle Marcus
Samuel and Joanne Marcus
Yosef and Esther Marcus
Lawrence Margoles
Evgueni Margolin
Lawrence and Barbara Margolis
Richard and Judith Markoff
Edward Marks
Steven and Susana Maron
David and Suzanne Marshak
John Martin
S. Martin
John Martinez
Michael and Rene Marx
Martha Maselko
Michael and Helen Mason
Tobi A. Mason
Debra Massey
Diane and Robert Master
Anne and Eran Matalon
Carla Matlin and Kenneth Cramer
Sari-Lois Mattal-Neft
Stephen and Arleen Matthews
Elena Matusovsky
Blake Maxam
Guylaine Maxwell
Soleil Maxwell
Alberta Mayer
Robert and Marsha Mayer
Mike Mayer
Rick and Joy Mayerson
Steven Mazer
Joey Mazzola
Vivian and Steve McClure
Carol McCuskey
Barbara and Jon McEntyre
Barbara McGee
Heather McPhail Sridharan
Rhoda Meade
Kristine Mechem
Jerry and Eleanor Mednick
Paula and Kenneth Meier
Curtis and Marion Meier
Gadi and Donna Meir
Anatoliy and Victoria Meklin
Jay Mellman and Martha Kokes
Alessandra Melloni
Paul Melmon
Susan Melnick
Craig and Elaine Meltzner
Paul and Cynthia Menaker
Elizabeth Mendell
Mark Mendell
Donna and David Mendelsohn
Debra Mendelson
Michael and Sasha Mendelson
Peggy Mendelson
David Menke
Barbara Merino
Hannah and Craig Mestel
Philip and Rhonda Meth
Robin and Philip Metz
Amy Meyer
Harry Meyer
Rebecca Meyer
Robin Meyerowitz
David and Julie Meyers
Janice Meyers
Lewis Michaels
Golda Michelson
Donnie and Lee Middleman
Mark Milberg
Diana Milchiker
Meredith Milet
E. and Yvonne Miller
Edward and Phyllis Miller
Gayle Miller
Jeff and Phyllis Miller
Marianne and Justin Miller
Larry Miller and Mary Kelly
Michael and Jane Miller
Bess Gurman and Peter Miller
Randi Miller
Sarah Miller
Stephen Miller
Jeffrey Weitzman and Rachel Milliken-Weitzman
Beth and George Mills
Robert and Carol Mills
David Millstein and Carole Carluccio
Sandy Minella
Jay Minkoff
Jessica and Dan Minkoff
Amanda Minsky
Donald Mintz
Joseph and Signe Minuskin
David and Jan Mishel
Parthsarthi Mishra
Robert Mison
Carol Misrack
Victor Mitnick and Nancy Nagel
Stephen and Mary Mizroch
Jeanne Moe
Eva Monastersky
Geri Monheimer
Anthony Monroe
Scott Monroe
Zipi Montano
Andrea Morgan
Jill Morgenstein
Ann Morgenstern and Jeff Kallman
Monica Morhaim
Judith Morris
Russell Morris
Ruth and Gregg Morris
Robert and Sandra Morse
Katie Morton
Mark and Nicole Mosheim
Gerald and Dara Moskowitz
Jennifer Moskowitz and Steven Sarver
Linda and Robert Mostovoy
Kimberly Motola
Patricia Motzkin and Richard Feldman
Cade Mourton
Joseph Moussa
Miriam Moussaioff and Andrew Greenberg
Gale Mueller Weiss
David and Rinah Mullens
Michael Munk and Shelley Gardner
Lisa Murphy
Michelle Murphy
Laura Murra
Kathy Nabhanive
Helen Nadel
Andrew and Cindy Nadler
Elana and Adam Naftalin-Kelman
Arthur and Jackie Naftaly
Bryna Naftaly
Eric Naftaly
Michael Nagel
Fred Napolitano
Adam and Carolyn Nash
D. Steven and Ruth Nash
Nicole Nash
Menahem and Jean Nassi
Shannon Stein and Shaul Nassi
Gail and Gordon Nathan
Lawrence Nathan
Jessica Natkin and Blair Biddle
Daniel Navon
Carla Naylor
Jason Naylor
Michael Neboschick
Gerald and Rayner Needleman
Leon and Veronica Neidleman
Jill Neiman
Brenda Nelson and Vallerie Mott
Robert and Patricia Nelson
Fran Jackler and Will Nelson
Wendy Nemeroff
Mitchell Nemeth
Vladimir and Lia z”l Nemirovsky
Joseph Nerelli
Diane B. and Robert M. Neuhaus
Daniel and Constance Neustein
David Newman
Edith Newman
Ellen Newman
Aaron and Linda Newman
Lindsey Newman
Andrew and Lynn Newman
Linda Newton
Ethan Ngo
Janice Nieder
Richard and Lynn Nightingale
Margot and Subodh Nijsure
Rachel Nilson Ralston
Jennifer and Brett Nissenberg
Roger and Jo Ann Nissim
Lois Nissman
Marissa Nix
Cindy Nixon
Marthea Noell
Stephanie Norrman
Susan Norwick Horrocks and Keith Horrocks
Emanuel and Deborah Nosowsky
Jason Nossiter
Ann Noto
Cary Hersh and Mary Novie
Kristine Nyhus
David and Sheila Oakes
Rebecca O’Brien
Monica and Kenneth Oestreich
Judi Oestreicher
Miriam Ofer
Frank Offen
David and Gail Offen-Brown
Edward and Anne Oklan
Linda Okstein Shaffer
Ricki and Glenn Oleon
Bruce Olitzky
Jennifer Olshin
Joshua Olshin
Shana Olson
Rodney Omachi and Marcia Spector Omachi
Mairin O’Mahony
John O’Neill
Jennifer Ong
Barry Operman
Francis Oplatka
Cali Orenbuch
Brian Wolf and Donna Ornitz
Cassidy Orr
Judith Orr
Maria Ortega
Sandra Osheroff
Alan and Regina Osofsky
Albert Osterloh
Cindy Ostroff and Raoul Stepakoff
Julie and Roni Ovadia
Susan Overhauser and Patrick Golden
Sharon Overholser
Ruth Owades
Jarrett Pace
Zohar Padilla
Jerilyn Paley
Linda and Julian Palmor
Rick Pam and Penny Stroud
Richard Papel
Thomas Paper and Eleanor Bigelow
Dara Papo
Tracy Park
Carola Parker
Darlene B. Pasch
Adele and Robley Passalacqua
Lynn Pasternak
Bella Pasynkova
Jaime Patel
Finley Patterson
Michelle Patterson
Tim Patton
Michelle Paul
Linda and Christian Peacock
Stephen and Laurie Pearce
Michael and Barbara Pearl
Barry and Tirtza Pearl
Stephen and Andrea z”l Pearlman
Robert and Sharon Pearlstein
Michael and Susan Pearson
Helene Peckerman
J. Virginia and Michael Peiser
Adrian Pellew
Robert and Linda Peltz
Robin Penn
Janis Pepper
Kim Pepper
Geoffrey and Deborah Perel
Meni Peretz
Steven and Rebecca Perl
Vyacheslav Perlich
Stewart and Audrey Perlman
Daniel Perman
Andrea Persily
Michael Peskin
Tsipora and Harvey z”l Peskin
Anne Peskoe
Sheeva Peters
Alice Petizon
Svetlana Petrosova
Kristen Phillips
Martin Tilzer and Jeffrey Piade
Kathleen Picard
Sarah Pihl
Hope Pilch
Zhanna Pisarevich
Henry Platz
Michael and Rosalind Plishner
Anja Plowright
Patricia Plumer and Steven Levere
Michael and Linda Podolsky
Tani Polansky
Cindy Poler
Joyce Pollack
Richard and Sandra Pollack
Emil Pollak
Robert Pollak
Roman and Sabina Polnar
Lawrence Polon and Ernestina Carrillo
Anna Polonsky
Lon Polonsky
Joyce and Kenneth Polse
Zachary Polsky
Steven Pomerantz
Jason and Abigail Porth
Robert Portnoy and Gunilla Haegerstrom-Portnoy
Alexander and Nina Postolovsky
Ellen Prager
Lawrence Prager and Linda Myszak
David Prager and Theresa Kwong Prager
Marc and Kimberly Press
Rhonda Press and Lawrence Ragent
Ken and Naomi Preston
Harry and Lori Price
John and Rosalie Price
Kathleen Price
Steven and Alisa Price
Jon Prosnit
J. Quan
Benjamin Quaye and Jessica Donig
Susan and Richard Rabens
Gary Rabkin
Brandon Racer
Evi and Howard Rachelson
Wilma and Stephen Rader
Ethel Radsek
David Radwin and Kara Vuicich
Michael and Ariella Radwin
Leon and Eva Rajninger
Alissa and Michael Ralston
Bella Rapaport
Michael Rapaport and Ruth Katz
Frances R. C. Rapoport
Abby Rappaport
Ann z”l and David Rapson
Ulrich Raschk
Ruth Raskas
Sam and Ella Ratmansky
Denis Rauchman
Rayna and Richard Ravitz
Olga Raykina
Sallie Read
Kim Rebiz
Allen Recht
Helene Redsun and Alan Manewitz
Jane Reece
Donna Reed
Penny Reed
Benjamin Reedlunn
Rebecca Reed-Lunn
Joshua Reich and Linda Lantos
Brittny Reid
Norman Reid
Leah Reider
Conor Reidy
Joel Reif and Deana Abramowitz
Christopher Orev Reiger
Julie Reinganum
Fay Reisfelt
Craig Reiss
Beth and Jeff Resnick
Joel and Irene Resnikoff
Victor Ress and Ruth Sherman
Joyce Revis
Patricia and Pedro Reyes
Roslyn Rhodes
Gerald and Mary Lou Richards
Mitch Richman
Rachel Richman and Jim Chanin
Barbara and Joel Richmon
Susan Richter
Ruthann Richter Hammer and Jay Hammer
Richard Riffer
Celia Rifkin
Jeannette Ringold
Beth Riseman
Svetlana Rishina
Jenny Risk
Toby and Larry Risman
Cyrley Rivas
Terri Rivera
Annette Rivlin-Gutman
Morton G. Rivo
Barry and Janet Robbins
Joseph z”l and Alissa Robinow
Norman and Carole Robinow
Norman Robinson
Beverly and Michael Rochelle
Gail Rochestie
Olga Rodstein and Ilya Segal
Alex Rofman
Ellen Rofman
Gregory Rofman
James and Diana Rogers
Stuart Rojstaczer and Holly Welstein
Michael and Sheila Rokeach
Adi and Guy Rom
Helen and Garrett Romain
Talya and Amit Ronen
Michael Roos and Julianne Rich-Roos
Charlotte Rosario
Jack Rose
Ella Roselli
David Roseman
Melvin and Ellen Rosen
Mark and Carol Rosen
Nomi Rosen
Rena and Mordecai Rosen
Bruce and Carol Rosenbaum
Jessica and Benjamin Rosenberg
Beverly Rosenberg
Diane Rosenberg
Donald Rosenberg
Dorie Rosenberg
Eunice Rosenberg
Grace Rosenberg
Judith Rosenberg and Alan Fried
Lisa Rosenberg
Sherrie Rosenberg
Paul and Ellen Rosenfeld
Richard and Diane Rosensweig
Betsy Rosenthal
Isadore and Helene Rosenthal
Ruth Rosenthal and Oded Schwartz
Ella Roslansky
Drew Rosner
Judith and David Rosner
Kenneth and Alison Ross
Barbara Ross
Cora Ross
Dallman Ross
Daniel Ross
Daphna and Phillip Ross
Laurel Ross
Marie Ross
Merl Ross
Thomas Ross
Walter Ross
Willard Ross
Roya Rostamian
Julie and Doug Roston
David and Catherine Roth
Lois and Arthur Roth
Ronald and Sheree Roth
Ronald Roth
Kathyrn and Michael Rothberg
Barbara and Sheldon Rothblatt
Linda Rothfield
Ruth Rothman
Lisa and Neil Rothstein
Steve and Karen Rotstein
Robert and Carol Roudman
Lynne and Stuart Rovin
Simon and Julia Roy
Liliana Royal
Alexander Rozenfeld and Alyona Doubrovina
Debra Ruben
Anne Marie Ruben
Carl and Roseline Rubens
Martin and Peggy Rubenstein
Robert Rubenstein
Wilma and Henry Rubenstein
Aaron Rubin and Elizabeth Werba
Allen Rubin
Benjamin and Melodie Rubin
Carole Rubinger
David Rubinstein
Sharon Ruchman
Enna Ruderman
Ken and Nancy Rudin
Richard and Roberta Rudman
Stefi Rudolph
Mark Rudow and Barbara Elliot
Ilya and Mayya Rudyak
Bill Rusitzky and Cathy Manshel
Stuart and Elizabeth Russell
Scott and Mickey Russman
Josh and Ashley Rutberg
Theresa Rutledge
Rochelle Ruttenberg
Thomas Ruttkamp
Olga Rybak
Rebecca Sachs
Robert and Phyllis Sachs
Michael Sack
Mateen Sadeghi
David and Lola Safer
Steven and Karen Sager
Inbar Sagy
Michele Sahl
Michael and Marlene Saks
Nicole and Robert Salama
Sheldon and Sandra Salinger
David Salm
Gitta Salomon and Ovid Jacob
Arthur and Mildred Salop
Robert and Beth Saltzman
Elyse Salven-Blatt
Jack Samosky
Diane Sampson
Marsha Sampson
Shelley Samuels
Miguel and Kara Sanchez
Elaza Sanchidrian
Kathleen Sandoval
Roberta Sands
Zien Sansbury
Jennifer and Steve Sarver
Sam Sarver
Deborah Satten
Julie and Michael Saxe-Taller
Michel Sayag
Boris and Vera Sayfer
Beverly Saylor
Giuliana Scafani
Ted and Sarah Schachter
Lillian Schaechner and Elaine Weissman
Jeanne Schaefer
Alan and Cindy Schaer
Gwendolyn and Alan Schaevitz
Gary Schahet
Fred Schalit
Jean Schanker
Lauren and Mike Schanker
James and Dorene Scharetg
Larry and Barbara Scharf
Carol Schatzberg
Jules Schechner
Monica Schefski
Susana Scheiter
Heidi and Steve Schell
Marc Schenker and Xochitl Castaneda
Noemi Schenquerman
Rachel Scherl
Paula Schiff
Judith Schiffner
Debra Schifrin
Joanie Schlamp
Jeff Schlangen
Colin and Cecile Schlesinger
Norman Schlossberg
Jeffrey Schneider and Jane Denton
Karlyn Schneider
Murray and Marcia Schneider
Richard Schneider
Stephen and Marcia Jo Schneider
Linda Schneidman
M. Schnur
Ellis and Lisa Schoichet
Lisa Schubach
Scott and Sarit Schube
David and Tonia Schulberg
Mark and Rebecca Schulman
Linda and Mark Schuman
Dan and Ellen Schumm
Susan Schustak
Nechama and Ezzy Schusterman
Beverly Schwartz
Kenneth Schwartz
Marilyn Schwartz
Nina Schwartz
Lauren and Rick Schwartz
Susan Schwartz
Sylvia Schwartz
Gail Schwartzer
Frank and Karen Schwarz
Stephen Schwarz
Denise Schwarzbach
Paul and Sharry Schwarzbart
Joshua Schwarzberg
Claudia Schweikert
Deborah Schweizer
Kenneth Schwer and Maralyn Tabatsky
Stuart and Ethel Schy
Howard Scott and Liz Sufit
Mindy Scott
Richard Scott
Stephanie Scott
Cam Sears
Sarah Sebbag
Paul and Lynn Sedway
Janis Seeman
Phoenix Seevers
Lauren and Glen Segal
Sara Segal
Seth Segel
James Segil
Martin Segol and Nancy Greenberg
Judy Seid and David Gates
Luke Seidenfeld
Dennis Stern and Miriam Seigel-Stern
Mayer Selekman
Rita Semel
Cantor Linda R. Semi
Shmuel and Cheryl Shaffer
Daryl and Michael Shafran
David Shafton
Randi Shafton and Andrew Lieberman
Gail and Steven Shak
Benjamin Shalva
Lisa Shalwitz
Gary Shameson
Lori Shanoff
Judy Shaper
Michael Shapero
Devorah and Gabriel Shapiro
Isadora Shapiro
Jason Shapiro
Nancy Shaw
Rena Shaw-Davidow
Jacob Shayefar
Dana Sheanin and Suzanne Bojdak
Ahava Sheer
Carole and Douglas Sheft
Hagit Shekel
Eugene Shender and Bella Oxman
Norm and Maya Shendon
Irvene Sheppard
Judith Sherman
Kristen Sherman
Ying Shi
Louisa Shields
Florence Shimano
Orah and Larry Sholin
Faraz Shooshani
William and Shira Shore
Nili Shorser
Barbara Shufro and David Steuer
Mady Shumofsky
Paul and Susan Shwartz
Allan Sidle and Patricia Meyer
Leslie Siegal
Lisa Langer and Dan Siegel
Joram Siegel
Paul and Paula Siegel
Susan Siegel
Judith Siegel Cohn
Philip and Ellen Siegelman
David and Maryanne Silber
Anna Silberstein
Lauren Silva
Cindy Silver
Cynthia Silver
Daniel Silver
Marvin and Joan Silver
Raymond Silver
Sandy and Joshua Silver
Gerald and Donna Silverberg
Amanda Silverman
Caroline and Andrew Silverman
David and Audrey Silverman
Gina Silverman and Reagan Richey
Joan Silverman
Matt Silverman
Robert Silverman
Sharon Silverman
Andrea Silverstein
Barbara Silverstein
Marlene Siminow
Ariel Simon
Danielle Simon
Jack and Joan Simon
Sarah Simon
Raymond and Amy Sims
Molly Singer
Anne Sipes
Colby Sirowich
Joshua and Micah Siva
Rochelle Sklansky
Carolyn Thon and Douglas Slakey
Alison Slater
Roberta Slater
Susan Slater and Evan Kirshenbaum
Ariel Slaton
Robin and Brian Slipock
Alison Sloan
Dan Slobin
Judith Slotsky
Charles and Margareta Slutzkin
Linda and Ronald Smetana
Helen Smiler
Scott Smith
Eugene Smolensky
Valerie Snart
Katherine Snyder
Theodore and Patricia Snyderman
Jennifer Sobol
Shoshana Sofer
Tamar Sofer-Geri
Norman and Marcia Sohn
Larry and Alison Sokoloff
David and Debra Sokolsky
Morgan Solem
Donna Solen
Ann Solomon
Barrie Solomon
Rabbi Idit Solomon
Mark and Carolyn Solomon
Susan and Douglas Solomon
Amy Sorensen
Joseph Sorger
Iris Sorokin
Jeffrey and Marian Sosnick
Ronald and Jill Sosnick
Ruth and Scott Spear
Sari Spector
Paul Spencer
David and Marcia Sperling
Morris and Linda Spiegelman
Jack Spillner
Samuel and Alix Spivack
Jane and Richard Springwater
Michele Stafford
David Stamler
Michelle Stamler
Claire Stamler-Goody
Miriam Stampfer
Harvey Stanger
Victor Stanik
Jim Stanislaski
Sylvia Stanley
Peter Stansky
Debra Stanton
Hadara Stanton Hersh and Jerold Hersh
Anita Stapen
Darren Starr
Joan Starreveld
Paul Staschower
Donald and Sandra Stearns
Becky Stecher
Diane Stein
Heidi and Art Stein
Jory Stein
Julianna and Eric Stein
Natalie Stein
Mariana Steinberg
Judy Frost and Ted Steiner
John Steinfirst and Sharon z”l Collins
Bruce Steir
Jane Stepak and Susan Stahl
Brian Stern and Sandra Sohcot
Michael Stern
Rachel Stern
Robert and Clara Stern
Justin and Oren Stevens
The Stevens
Harvey and Bea Stoller
Michael and Marlene Stolowitz
Ron and Suzanne Stolowitz
Craig Stone
Herbert and Marjorie Stone
The Sher-Right Fund
Howard and Ruth Strassner
Linda Straus
Natalia Straus
Charles Strause
Scott Strauss
Lee Strieb and Shari Golan
Rama Strod
Richard Stromberg
Marian Stull
Thaine Sugden
Joseph Summerill
Karen Sumner
Paul Sunshine and Lara Edelbaum Sunshine
Debra Surkin Perloff and James Perloff
Sandy and Warren Sussman
Sarah Sussman and Nicolas Saint-Arnaud
Laura Sutta and Marvin Ishai
Jessica Sutton
Patricia Svilik
David and Diane Swartz
Sari Swig
Max and Barbara Tabak
Steven Tabak and Blair Kilpatrick
Thomas and Genie Tabak
Caron and Kevin Tabb
Christine and Adam Tachner
Tim and Chris Taich
Larisa Tanas
Stuart and Anita Tanenberg
Beryl Tang
Bruce and Michelle Taragin
Felix Tarnarider and Julia Galperin
Robert Tat
Harold and Susan Myra Tauber
Michael Tauber
Deborah Taubman
Stan and Judith Taubman
Hillard and Joyce Tavrow
Jennifer and Marc Taxay
Beverly Taylor
Cathy Taylor
Claire Taylor
Judith Taylor
Joel and Francyne Teisch
Carol Teitelman
Janet Teman
Arthur Tenenbaum
Eric Tepper and Lynne Steinbach
Jean Tepper
Leah Tessler and Rupert McConnell
Ann Thai
Brian Kirshner and Judy Thalheimer
The Sylvia and Jim Katzman Foundation
Suzanne Theobald
Lynne Thier
Marlene and Herbert z”l Thier
Anne Thierry
Marina Thopson
Stephanie Thompson
Thomas and Linda Thompson
Robert Thronson
Seth and Lisa Timen
Veronica Tincher
Connie Tindal
Sean Tinsley
Ellen Tobe
Stephen Tolchin
Philip Tolk
David Trachtenberg
Revan and Elsa Tranter
Danit Trau
Katya Trifilo
Selma Meyerowitz and Malcolm Trifon
B Troupin
Janet and Alex Trzesniewski
David and Alla Tseyref
Sara Tsuboi
Ren Tsunehara
Barbara Tuber-Sooy and Darrell Sooy
Harriet Tucker
Naomi Tucker and Valerie Curtis
Mikhail and Agnes Tulchinsky
Aidan Tull
Steven and Jackie Tulsky
Myron z”l and Ellen Turbow
Freya Turchen
Kenneth Twain
Janis Ulevich
Anne Ulevitch
Ian Ullman
Rhonwyn Ullman
Iz Ullmann
Leila Ullmann
Walter Ullmann z”l
Jill and Rob Ultan
Lisa Ultan
Raziel and Hava Ungar
Holly and Edward Ungerleider
Jackie Soussan
Alyse VanAcker
Alex Varum and Natalie Kriegel
Alex and Elyse Vaysberg
Ella Veldghorn
Gayle Venet
Michelle Venus
Melanie Vest
Galina Vigdorchik
Elina Vilk
Lorelei Vitale
Brenda Vizzard
Boris Vladimirsky
Ruth Vogel
Leo Volpe
Sabine von Preyss
Eugene and Zoya Voskoboynikov
Alexandra Vulfovich
Marilyn Wachtel
Lisa Wachtell
Bobbie and Jerry Wagger
Audrey and David Wagman
Arne and Gail Wagner
Lisa and Joel Wagonfeld
David Waksberg and Ellen Bob
Kevin Waldman
Milford and Linda Waldroup
Andrew and Nancy Wallach
Marshall and Judith Wallach
Peter and Marilyn Wallenstein
Pamela Waller
Lois Wander
Ellen and Jeffrey Wang
Denise and Jonathan Wank
Adria Warren
Alan Warshaw
Susan Wartell
Barry Wasserman
John and Ann Wathen
Anne Watson
David Wax
Curt and Margaret Weil
David and Adrienne Weil
Stuart Weil
Barbara Wein
Betty Weinberg
David and Vivian Weinberg
Debra Weinberg
Sharon and Joshua Weinberg
Lynn Gitomer
Nancy Weiner
Ross Weiner and Karen Alexander
Stephen Weiner and Norm Dito
Susan Weiner
Sydne Weiner
Leonard Weingarten and Claudia Fromm
Maurice and Emily Weinger
Yehudi Weininger
Carolyn Weinstein
David Weinstein and Luba Abascal
Elyse and Barron Weinstein
Gary and Yaffa Weinstein
Harvey and Rhona Weinstein
Peter and Mary Weinstein
Jerry Weintraub
Rosalind Weintraub
Sophie Weinzimmer
Barry and Robin Weinzveg
Gerald Weisbach
Bambi Kaplan and William Weisband
David Weisenberg M.D.
Diane Weiser
Josh and Pella Weisman
Philip and Veronica Weismehl
Beth and Alan Weiss
Carol Weiss
Harriet and Franklyn Weiss
Richard and Nancy Weiss
Robert and Penina Weiss
Ronald and Emely Weissman
Matthew Weitz
Abraham Weitzberg
Gretchen Weitzman
Sanford Weitzner
Cynthia and Selwyn Wener
Adam and Lyn Werbach
Paul Werner
Linda Wertheim
Lisa and Matt Wertheim
Ben Werther
Philip and Berta Wesler
Lauren West
Michael and Diane Westheimer
William Wexelblatt
Charles Wexler
Deborah and Peter Wexler
Barbara Wezelman
Christopher White
June and Burton z”l White
Stephen and Barbara Whitgob
Kirk Whitlatch and Sharon Bleviss
Alfred and Dorothy Whitman
Coby Whitten
David Wientjes
Pearle Wilborn
Sharon Wilensky
Laura Willett
Barbara Williamson
Florence Wilson
Roger and Edie Wilson
Austin Winchell
Jonathan and Barbara Windham
Clarence Winer
Maxine and Marvin Winer
Judith Winkelstein
Bruce Winter
Gary Winter
Sabrina Wise
Caryn and Ben Wiseman
Pauline Witriol
Allan and Julia Wofchuck
Vivian Wohl
Bernard and Lonna Wolf
Constance Wolf
Jennifer and Marc Wolf
Lois and Joseph Wolf
Neil and Ann Wolff
Katie Wolff and Wolff Michael
Joel Wolfson
Lawrence and Esther Wolheim
Johanna Woll
Allen and Jean Wolman
Marilyn Wolper
Benjamin Wolsztejn
Art and Janet Wong
Cynthia Wong
Chelsea Woo
Benjamin Woo Poretzky
Brendon Woods and Rebecca Marcus-Woods
Keren Woodward
Nina Wouk
Lisa Wright
Michelle Wright
Fern Yaffa
Jennifer and Ted Yamagishi
Zoe Yang
Allan and Carolyn Yannow
Michael Yanovsky
Vonceil Yara
Alexander and Maria Yarmolinsky
Tatiana Yarmolinsky
Naim Yashar
Meredith Yeh
Anne Marie Yellin
Marc and Linda Yelnick
Chris Yelton
Jacques Yenni
Richard Yetwin
Jerald Young
Sheila and Marvin Yudenfreund
Joyce Yung
Tzippi Zach
Diane Zacher
Peter Waldman and Charene Zalis
Eric Zankman and Pamela Kaufmann
Michael Bloom and Audrey Zavell
Stefan and Jill Zechowy
Andrew and Patricia Zeisler
Jo-Ellen and Ben Zeitlin
Vladimir and Marina Zelenko
Martin and Myrna Zelin
Dana Zell
Sam Zelver
Alan Zemsky
Nina Zentner
Denise Zetterbaum
Larisa Zharzhavsky
Lilia Zheltova
Harvey and Linda Ziff
Ilya Zilberstein
Geoffrey and Ann Ziman
Lucette Zimering
Richard and Ann Zimmer
Brooke and Jamie Zimmerman
Janet Zimmerman
Marilyn and David Zimmerman
Samuel Zimmerman
Yael Zinberg
Calvin Zippin
Mollee Sue and Jack Zoken
George Zucker
Murray and Roberta Zucker
Rebecca Zucker and Doug Kanigher
Robert Zucker
Arlene Zuckerberg
David Zucker-Shorrock
Inga Zukin
Elena Shvarts and Russell Zukin
Reni Aniela and Miguel Zuliani
Ami Zusman
Moshe and Linda Zussman
Alla and Yakov Zvonkin
Maurice and Jennifer Zwass
Susan Zweig
Michelle Zygielbaum


Corporate Sponsors $2,500+

Dodge & Cox, Inc.
Farella Braun + Martel LLP
First Republic Bank, now part of JP Morgan Chase
Hopkins & Carley, A Law Corporation
JP Morgan Chase
Lauder Partners LLC
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP
Osterweis Capital Management
The Prado Group, Inc.
Primark Benefits
Seiler LLP
Seligman Family Foundation
Wetherby Asset Management


The following is a list of contributions made to permanent endowment funds of the Federation in fiscal year 2022–23, made during their lifetimes or from their estates.


Rosemarie and Alan Paul z”l


Eleonore Gruenebaum z”l and Harold Greene z”l


Michael Davis z”l
Anne z”l and Sherman Strauss
Jean and Richard Zukin z”l


Frances z”l and Aaron Greenberg


Ted Cutler z”l
Beatrice and Melvin z”l Gunsberg
Emil Knopf
Don Langendorf


Geraldine Brownstein z”l
Frank G. Meyer z”l
Herbert and Ilse Rosenbaum z”l


Marion Bacciocco z”l
Yvonne z”l and Fred Levy
Alex and Gertrude Roberts z”l Fund
Vera z”l and Joseph Zatkin


Joseph and Joyce Behar
Diane and Edwin Bernbaum
John Gertz and Ofra Daniel
Heather Sheridan Green and Matthew Green DC
Sylvia and Simon Guendelman
Rabbi Glenn Karonsky
Rena Kay
Adrienne K. and Jay R. Oliff z”l
Cecil Reeves z”l
Hilda Richards z”l
Selma and Sandy Tandowsky z”l
Judy Wendland-Young z”l
Kathy Roberts Williams z”l

Gifts include donations to the 2023 Annual and Designated Campaigns. If your name has inadvertently been omitted from the list of donors, our sincere apologies. Please contact so we can update the information.

*Indicates an endowed gift including a Permanent Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) or Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE)

z”l = Zichrono livracha; of blessed memory

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund harnesses innovation, collaboration, and investment to shape diverse and dynamic Bay Area Jewish communities where people find a meaningful connection to Judaism and one other; and where we work together to better lives and communities locally, in Israel, and around the world.